
New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Oshkosh Wisconsin
Hey, I have a 10 gallon tank sitting around that I wanted to plant and put a male betta in it. Could you guys please explain the best substrate(I LOVE SAND, B OK?) Also, wut kinds of things to Bettas like? I have a male betta in my 55 gallon community aquarium and he loves it, he loves to swim around the top acting like the Alpha Male os the entire tank(which he is), but I want a Betta only 10 gallon. Also, I would like to research where I could get a mustard gas betta and suggestions?
Well, here's my 10G planted female betta tank...

It doesn't have sand bottom, but I think sand bottom would be awesome and would work out great!

I have live plants in mine - hairgrass, moneywort and mondo grass. I wouldn't recommend the mondo though, it's starting to rot away.

good luck!
WOW, thanks I may get started tomorrow!!!!! :D I have alot of extra stuff sitting around, I cant wait...I didn't think I'd be this excited!!!! :D But anyone know where I can get a Mustard Gas Betta they are so beautimous!!
You may be able to find one at a local pet store, but they seem to be kind of rare there. I've found only two of any color quality at the pet stores around here, and I looked. A lot. But you could always try Aquabid or even Ebay, or any number of breeders on the internet.
I know just exactly how excited you are right now, cuz I was just that excited when I was planning how to set up my girly tank.

Have you considered having it divided and having 2 side by side? ;)
If you're just going with one, though, he'd be ONE lucky boy!!
:p Sand looks AWESOME in a tank.. I love dark coloured sand with plants!!!

However, sand needs to be cleaned thoroughly.. I slacked off on my 10 gallon sand bottomed female tank, and the sand turned sour :S

needs constant filtering... and its a pain in the bum when you suck sand into the hose when syphoning it
Yeah, i know sand can be a pain in the @$$ i have it in my brakish tank but I love how it looks. Yeah it is going to be one tank all for him self! SO he will be pretty lucky. I suck so bad at aquascaping tho do any of you guys have any thoughts? And also know any names of breeders that I could get a hold of.... THANKS! :fun:
ALso how many watts do you have per gallon? With plants don't you need like 3-4 and with a 10 gallon i can't seem to get more then 1.5 watts per gallon
Got sand in two tanks, aquascaped recently, how are they problematic? We've had no problem, is there something that will happen we should know about? ???? ????

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