I have finally been able to move King, one of my veil tails, into a ten gallon aquarium, instead of the admittedly unsuitable 1.7 gallon tank he was living in. He has a hand full of ghost shrimp in there (maybe four or five; he's prone to eating them), but I was wondering if there was another species of fish I could add with him, like an oto for example. I would like to keep the number of other fish to three or fewer, and would prefer to get a bottom feeder.
This is a 10 gallon long tank with moss balls as the only living plants. PH is usually around 7.4. I've got about ten pounds of gravel in there. Oh, I'm also running a TopFin Power 10 filter which provides plenty of water stimulation, but I also have an air stone/pump I am not currently using.
This is a 10 gallon long tank with moss balls as the only living plants. PH is usually around 7.4. I've got about ten pounds of gravel in there. Oh, I'm also running a TopFin Power 10 filter which provides plenty of water stimulation, but I also have an air stone/pump I am not currently using.