10 gallon african tank


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Great White North
I have a 10 gallon tank that doesn't have a specific purpose yet. For the next few months it's going to be my little toy; I'm going to try and breed a variety of fish in it. So far the list includes cherry barbs, tiger barbs and neons. I was considering setting up a micro-reef, but decided against it because I have little experience with really complicated water chemistry. I was thinking of creating a little african tank in my 10-gallon tank as a step towards setting up a reef tank in the future. Is there any nice fish I can realistically expect to keep in my 10-gallon tank? I don't want super-expensive fish either. Does anyone have any suggestions for cichlids I could keep in a pair in a 10-gallon tank?
How about a trio of Neolamprologus occelatus (shell dwellers from Lake Tanganyika). They really tiny and from what I hear, have loads of personality and interesting behaviors. I just baught a 12 gallon for some occelatus and am in the process of setting it up too. Look into these fish --they will do well in a 10 gallon. Provide them fine sand and large mouthed shells. :)
Those look nice, exiled. I just have to see what my LFS has (I'm going tomorrow to buy a new thermometer and food anyway) before I make a decision. They don't have the greatest selection of africans.
Where do you live? I know of 3 top notch Tanganyikan fish breeders in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. If your LFS doesn't have what you want, I can put you in touch with the breeders. :)
I'm in Nova Scotia, canada. New york isn't that far away, but I don't want to pay more than $15 canadian for a fish. I wouldn't mind paying more for something like an oscar, but for a small fish that lives in a $60 tank, anything more than $15 is too much. I'm only 14.
I hear ya buddy, I'm 15. Prices on fish and fish equipment can be astronomical

I would suggest not buying Cichlids for 10 gallon. I really think your idea for breeding is a great one! I say go for that. And hey, I live in Toronto, I wouldn't mind buying some of your home-grown fish off ya :thumbs:
drobbins27 said:
And hey, I live in Toronto, I wouldn't mind buying some of your home-grown fish off ya :thumbs:
:lol: The shipping would cost more than the fish! The most expensive thing I'm going to breed because of space limitations are Bettas. I guess africans are out; maybye a Gold Ram and some Neons can be the final occupants of the tank.
Drobbins, you really should consider breeding fish. It doesn't have to be a huge operation; I'm doing it in a 10-gallon aquarium from wal-mart with no extra equipment besides a tank divider. My cherry barbs are spawining in it right now as I type this post.
Bettas would be really fun; because they make bubble nests and the male guards them, but my cherry barbs are fun too. I'll probably get some bettas once the cherry barb fry can be moved to their new home.

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