10 gal tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
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Golden Colorado
I have a 10 gal tank w/ 2 platies 1 mollie. I read that to figur out how many inches of fish you can have (freshwater) you take tank surface area/ 12. Is that right? So I think I have room for like 2 guppies, I more mollie, an' an otocinclus?
Sound about right? -_-
Do otocinclus handle brackish water well?I've got 1/2 of recommended(1 tbsp/5gal) salt.
Before you add anything else, read up on the cycling process and be sure your tank is cycled!! Look at Alien Anna's article on cycling in this section (beginner questions) under Pinned: Avoiding and Treating New Tank Syndrome. After cycling your tank, you can probably add a few more fish than that. I don't use the 1" of fish per gallon rule, because I think that seems bothersome and inaccurate in some cases. I just observe to see if I think it LOOKS crowded. Do your fish have plenty of room to swim around without seeming cramped? Are there enough fish in your tank to make it seem lively and colorful? The 1" of fish per gallon rule sometimes is kind of funny... Imagine a 10" oscar living in a ten gallon! Kind of silly, isnt it? Anyway, this is a great forum, everyone is friendly, eager to give advice and knows what theyre talking about!
In my opinion I would take all formulas and throw them right out the window. There are way to many variables to take into consideration when it comes to stocking a tank. First and formost is whats best for the fish. You want them living in as close to pefect conditions as you can get for them to be at their healthiest and happiest. Since I dont nor ever have owned a 10g I cant give a reasonable scenario. Im sure someone here can though. And as for otos. Otoes are catfish and cannot tolerate salt in the tanks. Someone please correct me if Im wrong.

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