10 gal tank w/ filtration


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2003
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What can I reasonably add without overstocking my tank? I'm not interested in adding any more zebra danios, I had a school for years and now I'm down to 1, so looking to try something new. I don't consider myself a total novice with fish anymore but I don't want to get any that will be particularly hard to keep either.
As the Danios are schooling fish I'd buy more or find it a new home maybe. Also I wanted a pleco for my 13 gallon and was advised by my LFS and people on here that they should not be kept in tanks that small. Basically if you want something similar by 3 Ottos which only get 1.5-2 inches but even these are messy fish. Sorry if thats not want you wanted to hear, I'm just trying to help..
Like I said, I'm not interested in getting any more zebra danios and getting someone else to take the fish is pretty tough down here.

And I have never heard anybody say that a 10 gal tank was too small for any of the dwarf pleco breeds.
While you can keep a clown plec (up to 5") in a 10g, it doesn't leave you a ton of space for other fish.

A few options:

6 small schooling fish (harlequin rasboras, etc.)
2 dwarf gourami
2-3 livebearers

Hope that gives you a good ballpark idea. What kind of fish are you interested in?

Good luck with your tank! :thumbs:
You can keep a pair of rams or dwarf puffers in there too...
I'd tend to disagree on both points. A 10g would really only be appropriate as a species tank for a pair of rams or puffers. I wouldn't even put a pair of rams in anything smaller than a 20g.

A pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides or agassizii might work, but only if you were overfiltered and maintained a very regular maintenance regimen.
Sorry, I was wrong and was thinking of something else..it is actually a dwarf spotted gold pleco, I'll try to attach the picture, although it isn't that great.

But I really need a good species to go with, and I'm sorta at an impass now. There is nowhere I really get anyone else to take the zebra and I don't want to kill it. But I really don't want to buy more zebras at the same time...so if anybody else has any bright ideas, PLEASE help.

Right now in the 10 filtrated gal it is just:

1 dwarf Pleco
1 Zebra.

You think maybe mollies would work?
You'll need to return that danio to the lfs first, many of them will take fish off your hands for no charge, and some lfs's even give you credit for it. And yea, mollies are a good choice, just be sure to keep up with your water changes and have good filtration, as plecos produce lot of waste, and if you can look up planetcatfish.com for it's scientific name...
hey guys
i'm new to this
just heard about a dwarf spotted gold pleco
Would it be gould in a 20H
how much
more info please
I paid maybe 6-7 bucks for it and have had one for maybe 3-4 months now, interesting little fish to watch.

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