10 Gal Ideas


New Member
Feb 8, 2009
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hi looking for some ideas on stocking on a 10 gal tank i have spare its 18 ins wide 12ins deep and 20ins tall that has been running for a year as a planted shrimp tank just moved them on to a bigger tank. i have a few other tanks and cant think of anything different to put in this one.
heres what i have in the other tanks
75 gal mbuna Community
55 gal planted small tetra guppy cory and shrimp Community
40 gal green spotted puffer brackish setup
20 gal Channa orientalis species setup
18 gal planted dwarf shrimp setup
10 gal cold water danio setup
5 gal betta tank
thanks in advance
not a bad idea never really thought about them and forgot to mention in the post its an open top tank
just replanted the tank and have been looking at some Peacock gobys anyone had much experience with them?

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