Okay, so i understand what you are all saying, but i've always been curious of this too.
IMO - no matter how temporary the fish at the lfs are they are still under the stress, my lfs uses small fluvals in their tanks (which are not much smaller than mine), and i have a fluval 4.
They usually have the fish for well over a week, so isnt this making the fish more prone to disease, especially when they have the amounts that they do in the tanks, my lfs had lots of male guppies in a tank with a siamese(they told me japanese) fighter fish - which i heard on here that it is bad because they fin nip the guppies. plus they had male swordtails together, with no females as well.
Not only this but they also keep the sexes together so newbies go out and buy say 3 fish they like and then all of a sudden they have babies which more than likely has overstocked their tank. I dont understand it...
Okay rant over sorry, but my black molly died of velvet, and at the lfs today i saw another black molly in the tank and was going to get it, until it turned in the tank, and the other side had velvet patches, i blamed myself so much for him dying, and he was probably sick at the shop.