1 more picture ;)


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Of England
sorry to bore you guys with more pics of our tanks but i finally got a good pic of our 20 gallon & just thought that i'd share it with you all :rolleyes:


Just a word of warning but at least two of your plants are non aquatic.The first one on the left which is one of the Selaginella species is actually a bog plant that can spend short periods under water but starts to disintergrate after two weeks or so in a aquarium and the plant with the pink edges to its leaves which i believe is one of the Dracaena species,again this will survive short periods under water but would grow better on the windowsill in a damp pot.

It makes me cross to see so many shops insist on selling unsuitable aquarium plants with no warning that in a few weeks the plant will be a soggy leafless mess polluting the tank with excess nitrates. :grr: :angry:
"pink edges to its leaves which i believe is one of the Dracaena species"

Yes, you're right. They both (pink and white) are Dracaena sp., it can be kept usually vouple months under water and after that leaves start melting...
No warning from me (I wouldn't know Dracaena from Pond Lillies) ....Just compliments...Tank looks great :D :thumbs:

...oh ya, what's that in front of the tank?...ya those things that are sitting on the edge of the stand?
A good basic rule is that if the plants are stiff and can support themselves out of water they are probably not fully aquatic plants,obviously there are exceptions to this with plants like Anubias and Java fern but its a good starting point.It is a shame since many of the non aquatic plants that are sold are much prettier and more eyecatching than the real aquatic ones but if you really want that sort of colouring you would be better off buying the plastic immitations of them,it would be much better for your water quallity.
Thanks for all the info guys, the red plant was dying off so i took it out but the white one has been doing pretty well so i'll leave it in for a bit longer & see what happens. :look:

cat fish crazy Posted on Jun 9 2003, 09:38 AM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The first one on the left which is one of the Selaginella species is actually a bog plant that can spend short periods under water but starts to disintergrate after two weeks or so in a aquarium....
You mean the fern type plant in the back left corner?...i think thats been in there for about 3 weeks now & it seems to be growing ok. -_-

Pufferpack Posted on Jun 9 2003, 10:19 AM
...oh ya, what's that in front of the tank?...ya those things that are sitting on the edge of the stand?

They're Paua shells i collected from a recent visit to New Zealand, really beautiful shells with a mother of pearl like inside to the shell :fun:

cool...I could see the rainbow colors from the mother of pearl and couldn't figure it out :rolleyes: ...and I'm nosey :p

Thanx for the info on the plants guys, we have really just been experimenting with what will go well in our tank - its a shame the re edged one isnt a proper aquatic as they add so much more colour and vibrancey to our tank - anyway - loachy liked its disentegrating levaes and sucked it to pieces :lol:


Gr8 tank and lovely foliage, guys! Sounds like your loach will keep house for you -- no nasty nitrates! Handy guys, aren't they? :p

I am amazed that Starry^ did not post a second nomination. Keep it in the family and all that.

Well as she didn't I will.

TOTM nomination for this tank. The second photo is the best one.

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