1 gal for betta

I think it is. I think a Petsmart or Walmart betta in a little cup would LOVE that tank. :nod:

But I'm sure alot of people will disagree with that. It's just my opinion. :dunno:
yeah thats why im asking..... its just that i would and can afford bigger tanks, but...you know "parents" and i think a 1 gal with all that its a really good deal :) the 2.5 is 19.99 so theres a dif :(
I bought the 2g once, to put swordtail fry in. I returned it because a regular 10g was $17.99. I already had a spare filter, so all I had to buy was a heater.
i'll go to petsmart tomorrow maybe theres more choices in the store than online.... but i cant seem to find any bigger tank than 2 below of the price of 20 bux :(

thnx for moving these inchworm (i supposed it was u cuz ur the only mod online)
You know what, they have 2.5g rectangular tanks with a cover(I think) for $9.99. It doesnt have a light or filter, but I thing it's a better deal. :D
oh thank you!!! :) i'll see tomorro if God helps me i'll be out of school to get my mother from the airport, that woman went to the caribbean islands and left me hereeeee!!! for a week ! (with my dad an bro) i wanted to go ! but oh well

thnx again! :) either if i cant find those im buyin 2 of the 1 gal
i had one of the exact same ones but i returned it cause the the aeratore ( the bubble thingy ) was way to much for my betta and hes a really big betta he was about 3 in when i bought him at petsmat in one of those tiny cups i wonder if he has giant betta in him :/
remember to get the gravel, but because the holes are so large with the under water filter regular gravel kept fallling down inside so i would recommend the glass marbles for two reasons they are larger, and in my humble opinion safer for the tails and i think just look prettier. and its easier to suck the junk up with the larger marbles than with the gravel cuse the gravle kept getting caught in my siphon.

well good luck with what you choose, the will love it either way and it is a great deal but if it dont work with these tanks i know petsmart will take it back just save your reciept, even if you use it for 20 days and decide its not right for you you can still returen it i did MY fish Quark hated the aerator i caused way to much motion.

I have a red betta named bob in one of the one gal. he is very happy. if you find that the bubble from the ugf are too much for him you can get a gang valve that will let you control how fast the bubbles run.
sweet_tinuviel: ooh thank you very much ! for all that info! :) specially on the gravel! i really appreciate it! :D :wub: thnx again! :)

karriug thanks about tellin me about the gang valve :D^-^ and lettin me kno its ook on having one gal :) ...same goes for you eja0913 :)thnk u!

thank you very muuuuch!!!! ^-^ ^-^

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