1 Betta In A 10 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2005
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Do you need to wait before putting a single betta in a 10 gallon tank? I noticed that mould does not grow in my betta's bowl of water, even if the water is not changed for a long while. This is because the fish creates beneficial bacteria, right? What happens if you put the fish in a big tank though? Does any good bacteria need any help before adding the fish?
any body of water in the home aquarium should cycle, from 5 gallons to 500 gallons :)
I asked the same question...i found out that you should treat the water..with dechlorinator..etc...
and because the betta has a labyrinth organ and can breathe surface air then you should be ok to add once the temp is steady..

check this link for advice i got..

How long to cycle?


Thanks :) Say, what is cycling exactly? What occurs from leaving the body of water to sit?
cycling is the process that is needed in all new tanks to establish beneficial bacteria etc...that are the base of the nitrogen cycle.

Most people add a few hardy fish to 'create' these bacteria until a bacteria colony has formed.
alternatively do a search for fishless cycling.

Here's a good link that explains it all

nitrogen cycle

Hope it helps

Just letting it sit doesn't cycle it. You have to add ammonia, either by adding fish which create ammonia, or actually adding ammonia and waiting for it to go down to 0 before you add any fish.
just adding the one fighting fish wil start the cycle nice and slowly
I recently got a 10 gallon US, and didn't cycle it at all before adding a betta (other than adding a few doses of "Cycle"). He's really happy and blowing bubblenests :)

Adding 'cycle' is kind of like instantly cycling the tank! So, you did cycle it ;)

It's a lot more convenient than waiting weeks for a fishless cycle to occur while slowly adding ammonia/etc.... :)

From everything I've heard, that "cycle" product doesn't really work. The ammonia still spikes when you stock the tank. Have you had any success using it, ezrock? (i.e. used it and tested negative for ammonia and nitrite a couple days after adding fish?)
Like TammyLiz said, adding Cycle would be like instantly cycling... if it worked :lol:
BioSpira is the only cycling product I've heard of people having proven success with.

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