1/2 gallon containers ok temporarily


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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Hi everyone!
I went to my life just for a "look" and ended up coming home with 2 beautiful male bettas!! I just couldn't resist them. The store had them floating in a bigger tank just in tiny tiny plastic bags with a tiny amount of water. When my boyfriend asked the guy working there how long can they live like that the guy said 2 weeks. Now I know they probably wouldn't of been there that long but I just felt sorry for them being like that. I'm so bad :wub:

Anyways....I don't really have great tanks/bowls for them yet since it was an impulse buy. But I was wondering if they can live in half gallon glass containers until I find them a better bowl/tank?

Okay, a friend of one of my daughters(not Snowy) kept a Betta male in a large drinking glass on their dining room table for about 20 years but I do NOT recommend that. :blink: If it's only temporary they should be fine in 1/2 gallons...they're usually shipped in those teeny plastic cups after all...ewwww. I'm glad you rescued them from that store, that didn't sound like a good way to keep them at all. :crazy:

You can buy those 1 gallon round glass bowls for them for about $5. It seems alot of people keep Bettas in them quite well, my daughter Snowy does. I'd add plants, abit of gravel and frequent water changes, as she does. Personally I like giving them abit more room. Good luck with them! What colours are they?
SnowyzMom said:
Okay, a friend of one of my daughters(not Snowy) kept a Betta male in a large drinking glass on their dining room table for about 20 years
it wasnt the same betta was it? because ive never herd of a betta living past 7 years.

but yes it will be okay in 1/2 a gallon.
Good point wrs....maybe they just kept replacing the fish as they died with same coloured males............ :crazy: Anyways, no life for a fish! They need/deserve to live more "upscale" than that.......scales, fish.....get it? sigh.......... :/
I know they can "live" in tiny tanks/bowls but to me anything under a gallon seems too sad. I want to give them a nice life :nod:

I can't imagine keeping one in a drinking glass....gee what cramped conditions!!

I have one of them in a tall glass pitcher that I just bought from Ikea lol. I have only used it once for water so I figured it was a good solution temporarily. The other guy is in a tall oval glass bowl thing that once had one of those floating candle things in it with rocks in the bottom. It's been a couple years since a candle was in it and I've washed it well. I think right now both are just happy to be out of the tiny bags!!

I have gravel in with them as well as a few live plant clippings.

Well the one is that banded one I was talking about in my other post and then the other guy is cool too..I named him panda because he's got a white body with a bit of blue specks and them all blue fins. Really neat looking!!

I feel myself getting addicted to Bettas!! ut-oh :*)

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