zebra netrite snail

  1. Circus

    Breeding Nerites

    So in my 20 gallon Brackish I keep my specific gravity around 1.08. Up until now I didn't have to be super on top of it because the only fish in there are female guppy, which are euryhaline. A couple of months ago I placed 4 zebra nerite snails in there. I was hoping they would breed (I know the...
  2. glasgowgirl_786

    What To Feed My Netrite Zebra Snail?

    Hey everyone, just a quick question for suggestions on what to feed my zebra snail. No algae on the tank as it is fairly new ish and whenever I try to drop in a algae wafer he doesn't bother with it and my fish all eat them (even at night - greedy things). Any ideas as to what to give him as...