
  1. pimudh

    Single white spot on Bleeding Heart Tetra

    Hi everyone, I'll go into details to hopefully give a clear picture of what's going on and will write a summary near the end, for those who don't want to read it all. Around 2 weeks ago I suddenly noticed a white patch on the head of one of my BHT's. It must've appeared suddenly and not slowly...
  2. syren

    Flesh eating bacteria???

    Title is an attention grabber, I know, but I am back again after having minimal issues with Grosso! (insert massive sigh here) I got sick of the 10 gallon shortly after experiencing back to back canister issues and it almost killing him, so shortly after I upgraded to a 36G and things have been...
  3. G

    Fish Injury Identification

    Hello, I have a 29g tank with cardinal tetras, two honey gourami (one red), 5 pygmy corys, a clown pleco, shrimp and assassin snails. I have a gravel bottom, driftwood, and a mix of live & fake plants and two fake logs, one floating. Something happened to one of my gourami within the last 20...
  4. R

    White spot on the head of betta

    Hi all, Recently I've noticed a white indent has formed on the top of my Betta that wasn't there previously. At first I thought it was ick, but this seems like a scratch or wound of some sort. The Betta has been acting completely normal however and nothing seems to be wrong with the other fish...
  5. Aqua_Life

    Betta Infection, Injury Care: Help Pls

    I recently decided to set up a nano aquarium (2.1 gal). I didn't intend to place any fish within the aquarium (a planted tank & maybe a few dwarf shrimp) as it is far too small for any fish to truly thrive and be happy. However after getting it setup and cycled I was looking for potential plants...
  6. K

    wound on betta? not sure whats wrong?

    so recently my male betta fish has (i think) an opened wound on the side of his body. I was changing his water last week when i noticed it and there was a few drops of blood in the container I had him in prior changing the water. I have been using betafix and changing 1/4 of the water to keep...
  7. P

    Ulcer on Dwarf Gourami

    Hi all, When cleaning my tank today I noticed a red/white ulcer on the nose of my Dwarf Gourami. It's can only have appeared in the last couple of days as I examined the fish earlier this week. He's been in there since I got the tank in January. Nothing new has been added to the tank, however I...
  8. L

    Pearl Gourami Wound

    I have had this male pearl gourami (His name is "Wiggums"  ) For over a few years (I'm not sure, I got him when I was pretty young.) When I moved him to a larger tank from his original he began to have a large wound on the side of his head, like something was biting into his flesh. I have no...
  9. cowgirluntamed

    Not Sure If I Should Be Worried About Flashing/wound?

    First off, here are my parameters.   20 gallon freshwater with biowheel HOB filter that has marineland diamond blend(ammonia neutralizer crystals plus carbon) in a media bag. Temperature is 77 degrees(might drop down a degree at night when I have the heater in the room off(aquarium heater is...
  10. N

    Please Help!

    Please help! I have a beautiful 8" long pangasius who I've had for three years. She is my pride and joy and the first thing people notice when they walk in to my house.   Lately she has been getting a little bit podgy looking (I just thought it was the fact that my boyfriend likes to hand feed...
  11. W

    Wound On My Pleco, Can Anybody Help?

    Hi   I hope you can help me, one of our Plecos seems to have a wound on its head, we initially though mabe he had a scratch from the decoration in the tank or maybe the other pleco (more dominant one) had attacked it.  We have used some melafix however the wound doesn't seem to be getting...