wood shrimp

  1. S

    How to Stop Planaria in my newly established Shrimp biotape Nano Paludariam tank

    How to Stop Planaria in my newly established Shrimp biotape Nano Paludariam tank
  2. ellamay

    Wood shrimp stuck in filter. Please help!

    My shrimp have moved into my filter. I thought they were hiding because they shed the day after I got them last week but I’ve just found them in here and I can’t get them out. What should I do?? I read online to leave them alone after they molt because they need to harden up but I’m worried...
  3. ellamay

    Wood shrimp feeding

    I made my first shrimp purchase yesterday. Two wood shrimp. This piece of wood goes up to a couple of inches below where the water flows out of the filter. I know they need to catch their food in the moving water so I’m hoping this is good enough! I can make adjustments if anyone thinks I need...
  4. C

    Help with stocking

    Hi, I'm wanting to keep... 2 honey gouriamis, 6 neon tetras, 4 guppies, 6 harlequin rasboras And possibly some wood shrimp Would these guys be compatible? Any suggestions? Thanks.