won't eat

  1. S

    clownfish has lockjaw, swim bladder problems

    Hi everyone, I need some help with my clown fish. For the past two weeks I noticed his mouth doesn’t shut and he won’t eat. I tried feeding him with a pipette, and now he seems to have swim bladder problems. I’m afraid that I might’ve blown some air into him while trying to feed him. He has...
  2. I

    My betta won't eat blood worms.

    I am using omega one freeze dried blood worms, I soak them in water before I try and feed them to my betta, but he just won't eat them. I tried dangling them, I even tried mushing it into a ball so he would think it was one of his pellets that he absolutely loves. It went into his mouth, but...
  3. kitta98

    My Dwarf Gourami seems really ill.

    My dwarf gourami has been pretty shy since i got him. I rarely saw him and I don't think i've ever seen him feed. I thought it was because he was new. Then I took out all my fish last week and done a water change. And he was even more shy. I had to check behind the plants to find him because I...
  4. C

    Betta ate one thing but not the other.

    hello! I'm sure this has been asked before, but my case might be different. I have a male betta, and I got him last Saturday. I bought cheap food at Walmart and he ate a whole pellet of it in his cup when I first got him. I got him a tank, cycled it, added decor and rinsed it all. Also used the...