white spot

  1. wayfareranima

    Need reassurance that I’m doing what’s best for my fish 🤦😣

    I’ve recently had an outbreak of ich in my live bearers tank. I don’t know how, they get regular water changes every week,sometimes twice a week 25 to 50% and I’ve gone and purchased Aqua one multi cure, see below. It just looks so noxious. I’m doing a slow drip acclimation with it mixed in and...
  2. pimudh

    Single white spot on Bleeding Heart Tetra

    Hi everyone, I'll go into details to hopefully give a clear picture of what's going on and will write a summary near the end, for those who don't want to read it all. Around 2 weeks ago I suddenly noticed a white patch on the head of one of my BHT's. It must've appeared suddenly and not slowly...
  3. S

    Ich / White Spot?

    Hi all, Help required please. I just noticed that one of my black mollies has some white bumps on it's top lip area. Is this white spot? Photo's attached and youtube video link here Kind regards, Mark.
  4. L

    White spot on black neon tetra

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new at fish keeping I set up my tank last October and then hadn't put anything new in for a good long time until about 10 days ago when I added a Betta, 2 new plants and a piece of drift wood. I just noticed that my black neon tetra has a white spot on his head and...
  5. R

    My pregnant red tailwag has white spots on her

    I cleaned their tank yesterday and all seemed fine. But I wake up this morning and the newest fish to the family has white spots on her. It’s on her belly and some near her face. Though her colors are little different from the others I’ve never noticed the white on her before. I’m new to owning...
  6. E

    White spot on platy?

    Hi! I have noticed that one of my platies has a white spot on her nose, she didn't have it before. Should I be worried? A real beginner! Thank you
  7. K

    Trying to Figure Out if This is Ich or Not?

    Okay, so I’ve had a small 5 gal with glofish for years, and I upgraded to a 15 not too long ago. Maybe a month ish? I let it sit with plants and filter for a while before acclimating the 4 glo tetras I had into it (plus some snails), and about a week ago I got another tetra and 5 cory cats. I...
  8. C

    White Spot on Green Terror! URGENT!

    green terror(VIDEO HERE). I need help saving my green terror. He hasn't been eating for the last 2 days and is always hiding. There are these white spots on his head and I've tried using the blue drops but it doesn't seems to be working. Please help me get rid of this and save my green terror...
  9. Dephea

    Uncurable ich / ick / white spot

    I am getting very annoyed and rather disheartened now. 150L ammonia 0ppm nitr 0ppm pH 7.5 ish temp 30 degrees Celsius live plants, bogwood and resin rocks, all in gravel (changing into sand next week). Part of the plants and decor removed to make vacuuming easier without having to disturb...
  10. Dephea

    White dots on glass

    Hi (disclaimer: English is not my first language and I am new to the fish hobby so please go easy on me) I currently own a 150L tank with tropical fish. It is still a work in progress thing but I am taking it slowly as until about 3 months ago I truly believed I can't keep fish alive. Inside...
  11. Cassiee303

    Sick Betta?

    Hello! I posted a couple months ago about a white spot growing on my betta. It seems to have gotten bigger and now it looks like there’s a brownish red bump in the middle of the white. It looks like it must be hurting him :( He’s in a 3.5 gal heated and filtered tank, water temp is usually 82...
  12. back2thelotus

    Does my platy have ich? Please help!

    Hi, As mentioned in the title of this thread, I’m wondering if my platy has ich. About a week ago I noticed that the fish didn’t seem to be pooping, and seemed very lethargic. I fasted the tank for a day and fed peas afterwards. Then she seemed to perk up. Then, unfortunately she started to...
  13. Juliak

    Ich Medication safe for peacock eel and kuhli loaches

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon planted aquarium that has been set up for about two years now, I recently bought new kuhli loaches for my LFS and unfortunately didn't quarantine them.??‍♀️ I now have ich and it is starting to spread among my other fish... here is my stocking: 55 gallon planted: 3...
  14. D

    Using white spot treatment with filter

    Hi there, I have a 3 week old 180L tank with 18 small fish. I have noticed my 5 black neon tetras have got white spot. I bought some Interpet Anti white spot treatment and on the bottle it says “Remove all carbon and Zeolite filter media, rocks and decor from the aquarium.” Does this really...
  15. L

    White Spot (only one)

    I’ve had guppies on and off. I recently purchased this one and she was fine in when I got her. Few days later she developed this big white spot on her tail, both side. She moves around fine and all the other fish are clear. I wonder if it’s just something that happens or if I need to do...
  16. Tttay89

    Is this 100% white spot? Or a pattern

    I bought an upside down cat yesterday. I could have sworn I didn't see this pattern on it and when introducing to the tank. But was pretty fast moving. Woke up this morning and noticed this. Does it look like white spot? If so what steps shall I take? Many thanks
  17. A

    White spot and fin rot!

    Please be kind, New to keeping fish.. I have a 54litre tank with two goldfish they both had white spot and one had fin rot, I treated the white spot first with medication as both fish had this and the spots have fallen off them both (during this treatment the fin rot got worse on the second...
  18. M

    White Spot or Sporozoran?

    I need a few opinions and some advice! I have two loaches (Nimrod who, despite his name, is very loved and probably my favorite, and Priz). I had them for about three weeks in my planted tank when I noticed white spots form on their fins and sides. Originally I thought it was Ich (even as a...
  19. C

    Platy with Whitish Spot on Chin

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: don’t know ammonia: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: <5 ppm kH: don’t know gH: don’t know tank temp: 75 F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Ok here’s the story folks. I’ve been planning to add another platy to my...
  20. W

    Pin holes and white spot on black moor

    I purchased a black moor 6 days ago from my local PetSmart to add to my oranda tank, but as I got home from the store I noticed many holes in her fins. I decided to quarantine her and treat with pimafix and melafix. After 6 days I have noticed no changes in the holes on her fins, and the other...
  21. H

    Tetra white snout

    Any advice would be appreciated. I have 1 neon tetra with a white, lumpy looking snout(pic attached), one with whitish lips. All 3 of my original tetra have some signs of fin rot but the 3 newest tetra, 3 guppies, 11 cherry shrimp, plants look good. History: Planted 20 gallon tank Original...
  22. C

    White spots on side of Synodontis?

    Hey guys! This is my Synodontis Whiskey and I was just wondering if anyone knows what there's white spots on his side eye? They do not look like ick to me which I have delt with alot in the past. He's still eating fine and active just never seen these on him before also they'e more noticeable...
  23. S

    Possible gill flukes and white spot? :/

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice please because I'm feeling a little out of my depth. I had a 58 litre tank with a couple of Sterbai Cory and a few guppies which exploded on the guppy population. I upgraded them to a 125 litre around the start of December last year and cycled the tank...
  24. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  25. RIOT1o1

    Betta bumped his head?

    Would like some help identifying this oddity. There's a small white bump on the side of my betta's head and it looks like some of the scales surrounding it are damaged. He lives with one other fish (a little guppy) in a 40g tank (had some issues in the past and almost the entire tank population...
  26. RCA

    Peacock Gudgeon, What This Is Likely To Be?

    My female PG has a white dot near her eye, any ideas what it is, she has had it for about five days now. Is it likely to be a white spot cyst? The tank has always been a very healthy tank, although recently I lost another female who appeared to have a mark on her side, I isolated her, but she...
  27. P

    White Spot In Eye?

    Hello,  I'm new here, and I'm fairly sure this is the correct forum to post in, I apologise if it is not. I have also never had white spot in any of my tanks before and I am quite worried about the whole situation.   Okay, about a week ago I noticed a few white spots on one of my platys after a...
  28. GuppyGirl20

    White Spot On Betta! Help!

    Today as I went to do my water change (that I was was behind on, I know I'm a terrible fish owner for doing so but I only feed him about 3 times a week so I figured it was fine) I noticed a white spot on the side of my betta's head. It must be newish because I haven't seen it before. I can't...
  29. scrage

    White Spot On Eye?

    Was looking at my tank today and noticed my betta has a small white spot on his eye. I haven't introduced any new fish, 29gal tanks heated, cycled, and maintained. His eye isn't swollen. No changes in behavior, still fiesty and active. I can snap a picture if that will help (If i can, hes a fast...
  30. J

    Bolivian Ram - What Could It Be?

    Hello all, Hoping to get some advice for my bolivian ram. First off here are stats: 75 gallon, weekly 20-25% water changes Temp 75 A – 0, N- 0, Ntrate- 10-20ppm, PH 8.0 I have had him/her for since Sept 2012. Housed with Cardinal Tetras, Black Neon Tetras and one other bolivian ram. No new tank...
  31. monahan95

    Rams With White Spot

    Can anyone tell me the best way to treat a couple of poorly rams? I'm currently using protozin white spot treatment along with aquarium salt and I raised my temp to 28C. is there anything else I can do?
  32. A

    Sick? Stressed? Ich? Molly

    I got a fish a few days ago all ammonia level and nitrite is good and so is nitrate however one of my mollies has a white dryisish spot near its tail here it is 
  33. AlitaConejita

    White Spot - Oh No!

    Jack has a white spot on his head all of a sudden. When I/my son fed him earlier today, I didn't notice it. When I took some pics today and posted one in the photographs/journal section, I didn't notice it. Now I went to do his nightly water change and I saw a white spot on his head. What is it...
  34. C

    Help! Dont Know What To Do!

    Okay so hoping for some advice as i dont know what to do. So i am going to add all the info I can to help. I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 blood parrots. I have fake plants, rocks, gravel and a cave for them. I started this in december. No new fish or chemicals added to tank. There tank is 74...
  35. W

    White Spot?

    Betta,fighting fish,white spot,ich
  36. L

    Help Advise

    Hi guys i have a 200l fresh water tank. 3 gourumis. 3 red line barbs. 2 rainbows. 1 glass catfish. 1 pleco. 3 shrimp. 1 molly and bumnle bee catfish now in hospital tank. my tank is 13 months old. my question is myheater broke and the glass fell away the pleco got onto the element which burnt...
  37. E

    White Spot Diesase Need Advice Asap

    Hia guys. I need some advice please . I think my fish has white spot disease as u can see in the picture, problem is I'm snowed in and cant get to any pet store to collect any treatment, I've put him in a bag for now separate from other fish was this ok? I haven't got a spare tank to put him in...
  38. Moolly

    Corydoras Nearly Dead?!

    So I bought 4 new Corys (pretty sure the shop advertised them as Corydoras sp. columbia). And the past few days one in particular has been looking off - paler than normal, and noticeably smaller in size than the others. Yesterday when I looked in the tank it looked dead - was upside down on the...
  39. T

    White Spot

    I have just noticed white spot in my tank, I have bought the treatment, but I have an elephant nose and need to remove him before i can treat the tank, I hav a spare tank but it is not up and running. how can i best set it up to put the elephant nose in asap so i can treat the other fish in the...
  40. S

    White Spot Treatment Uk, Pentazona Barbs (w/ Dwarf Gourami, Peppered C

    All 5 of my pentazona barbs are displaying classic ICH symptoms, I didn't quarantine them because my Quaratine tank has two guppies with ragged tails in. My mistake. The guppy's will be returned to their tank on Thursday so I can isolate tank mates in the scaleless cories need a different...