
  1. Tacocat

    Seemingly random colour changes in Royal Farlowella

    I'm currently keeping 2 royal farlowella which are 2.5 and 3 inches respectively. A curious thing I notice is that the 3 inch one tends to have strange colour switches in which it gets really pale and loses all colour in the pattern, and then sometimes it regains the pattern and looks completely...
  2. Meg0000

    New whiptail+ 20 gallon stocking idea+ biggest amazon frogbit I have ever seen

    Hi, I finally got a red lizard whiptail!! It's so cute, my amano shrimp are bigger than him or her?? As I mentionned in another thread I was supposed to test my GH at my LFS but I forgot... I also mentionned I was gonna get a 10 gallon aquarium in my kitchen or dining room... Well actually when...