what fish to get

  1. S

    New tank set up

    Hi all I'm after some advice, I've recently got a second hand 5ft shallow tank (60x15x12) 45g and I'm not sure what to do? One of my concerns is filtration and dead spots, in such a long but fairly small tank will I have dead spots and how do I go about preventing this? Does anyone have advice...
  2. L

    What fish to get??

    Hi I currently have neon tetras, dwarf gouramis, bitlenose pleco and yo yo loaches, I have recently upgraded my tank and was wondering what colourful and exciting tank mates would suit my tank? Any advise would be great ?
  3. nixie_myth

    Stocking A 29 Freshwater Tank

    I have a Cycled 29 Gallon Aquarium, I'm looking for something to put in it. My original idea was Loaches but my local supply is not very healthy. Doesn't really matter if its a schooling fish or a show. Just want something pretty that is relatively easy to care for.