what do i do

  1. ella777

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Hello! How can I house 6 rosy barbs without them breeding? I already have 1 male and 2 young females and I'm getting 3 more soon. The male has been chasing the females around quite a bit and I don't know if he's trying to breed or make friends. I definitely don't want them breeding. Apparently...
  2. 2

    Pregnant or Dropsy??

    i thought my female guppy was pregnant and laying on the bottom of the tank because she was about to give birth. 4 days later she’s still laying on the bottom and has her scales sticking up. i still can’t tell if she’s pregnant or if it’s dropsy, she has had babies before.
  3. M

    Help! My peppered Cory has lost its barbels

    Help! I got a new 45 litre tank 5 weeks ago, cycled it, and put 6 neon tetras in a few weeks later as the water was fine. A week later I tested the water and it was good so put in 3 peppered corys. A week after they've gone in and one has lost its barbels and is breathing really heavily. The...