what am i doing wrong?

  1. R84achey

    2 lemon tetras dead in 24hrs no obvious signs

    I’m so confused right now & sad right now. I’ve had 2 lemon tetras die in 24 hours. I’ve obviously removed them and there’s no obvious signs of illness or injuries. My parameters are ph 7 ammonia zero, nitrite zero and nitrates in the 5-10 range. I’ve had the tank set up around 2 months now, it...
  2. M

    Help Me With Algae Issues Please :)

    Hi everyone! I've had this tank for close to a year now and recently this algae has popped up. I've undergone multiple water changes, but it keeps coming back. What is it and what can I do? Thank you so much!!
  3. C

    Can anyone suggest what wrong?

    Hi All! My first post on here so please be nice haha So I’ve had my tank for around about 2 months now. I’ve got 3 German blue rams, 3 cobalt dwarf gourami, 8 neon tetras, 5 black phantom tetras, 3 Mickey Mouse plattys, 3 rummynose, 3 Cory cats, 5 reed tetras and 4 gold terras and 5 harlequins...
  4. G

    Advice on a nigh-on invincible cherry barb

    Here's the background: I recently bought my first tank after an introduction to goldfish that went very well when I was younger, given that my own goldfish outgrew the tank and was granted the freedom of an aunt's pond. A 45 litre tank seemed like a sensible option for the table I had, and as...
  5. N

    What's wrong with my betta?

    My female betta is currently in my quarantine tank and has developed a new split in her upper lip as of today, which you can see at 0:06 in the video I've attached. I don't understand what's causing these splits because the split runs deep enough in one part to see red. She is still being...
  6. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  7. G


    Hi! I'm new to tropical fish keeping, i had goldfish for two years but they all died...So i'm hoping i have good luck with tropical fish! In my 20 gallon I have two Julii Corys, five zebra danios, one leopard danio,(by accident, im getting her some buddies) 3 white clouds, and one Honey Gourami...