
  1. P

    Planning my first aquarium! Looking for feedback and suggestions...

    I'm in the planning stage of setting up my first aquarium. Space is a bit limited and the place I've found to put it won't be ideal to everyone's mind, but I've got to work with what I've got. I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts on what I'm planning and get some ideas for the stuff that still...
  2. M

    Juwal 190 corner tank safe for upstairs in house?

    As above will it be safe for upstairs in the house? Here's my floor plans for our new build and it will be in bedroom2 where the optional wardrobe sign is, against an external wall and an internal. Also included downstairs layout so you can see the below walls.
  3. agusf

    Will my countertop support more weight

    Hello all, I've been running a 20 gallon / 75 liter tank on my kitchen countertop for several months now fine, but I wanted to upgrade to a larger 36 gallon /136 liter tank, since the space to accommodate it is available in that spot. I already acquired the 36 g tank, but haven't swapped them...
  4. B

    Platy seems very ill- please help

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this website so please be patient with me! About 4 months ago my father bought 4 platy fish for our tank (along with a Plec, a few neon tetra and a betta) (I know it's not recommended to keep a betta with platys because or their tails but they get on fine). It turns out...
  5. J

    Unsafe Stand?

    Hi all! Purchased a used stand on craigslist. Know very little about its history (even less about carpentry) and I'm wondering if it's safe to carry a glass 55 gallon tank. The stand seems to be an odd mixture of over- and under-engineering. I'll put pictures in the first reply. I'm...