
  1. jennaa

    weird nitrite levels & fish won’t eat

    i’m new here so im not really sure if anyone will see this but i’ll give it a shot… Alright so my betta won’t eat. She actually hasn’t eaten in 9 days !! :( here’s a little back story… I got her about almost a month ago BUT i just learned about cycling my tank right after i got her bc the...
  2. W

    I don’t think my API master test kit ammonia is working!

    So I have just received the API master test kit and was testing all the liquids on my water. While doing this I noticed even after 5 minutes the colour of the ammonia test hadn’t changed (completely clear, the colour of the water before test) I followed the instructions and I’m wondering if...
  3. tonitetra

    Lowering my GH for Discus Breeding ?

    I have a 50 gallon tank with 4 discus in the tank. My levels are almost perfect. I have no ammonia or nitrite, low levels of nitrate (b/c there are plants in the tank), 0 KH, and 6.8 ph. However, my general hardness is super high. I have tried everything. I have peat moss media in my filter...