water conditions

  1. P

    Fish-in cycle & water quality?

    Hey everyone, First time fish keeper, doing a fish-in cycle using Seachem stability & API quick start. I'm doing 20-30% water changes whenever the water parameters need it, but can't really get into the substrate with my gravel vac without disturbing the good bacteria. That's the problem -...
  2. BSVKilbey


    Hi all, My Fluval Chi is now cleaned and ready for water! Question.... I know tap water is full of chemicals, however, is there a way to make the water fish friendly without countering the chemicals by adding chemicals? Alternative - I live about 30 seconds away from a natural spring, it is...
  3. ellamay

    Seachem Ammonia & pH Alert

    I've just ordered my first tank (105l) and I've been researching everything for a few months, has anyone used the Seachem pH and Ammonia alerts?? I've seen really mixed reviews. I would obviously do actual water tests as well.
  4. E

    Indentifying and fighting algae

    Hi guys, Back again with probably yet another rookie problem. I saw some algae growing in my tank a week or 2 ago. Figured it was because I didn't have any algae eaters in the tank so I added some oto's to combat the algae. Fast forward to today and my oto's aren't actually eating the algae...
  5. V

    Newbie, New tank, Tons of questions.

    Greetings everyone, My name is Victor and I'm new to this hobby. English is not my first language so please bear with my broken thread, I need help in fixing some non-fatal but still serious tank problems. I settled up a new fresh water tank for a betta a while ago, it holds about ten gallons...
  6. J

    Amazon Biotope?

    I think after a lot of help and research that I am going to make a Amazon River Biotope tank. My stock idea is Angelfish x1 Black Phantom Tetra x8 Guppies x4 Diamond Tetra x8 Does this sound ok? I do plan on having fake plants (real ones aren’t necessary are they), some driftwood. What would you...
  7. V

    My Water Test

    Good afternoon, I'm new to this forum and very new to keeping tropical fish. I would like someone with more knowledge than me to check the pictures of my water test and see if it is all ok please. any help will be much appreciated :)
  8. V

    New Here And In Desperate Need Of Help!

    Hello! I'm new here and looking for some answers as I am incredibly stumped. If you are prepare to read a long thread, I will be incredibly grateful for your time, effort, and (hopefully) advice!   I have a 5 gallon tank that houses 1 Betta, 2 Oto cats, 3 amano shrimp and 3 assassin snails (that...