
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Bala Shark

    Do Balas mind a strong current? I know they need a lot of oxygen but I wanted to know about water flow specifically.
  2. MaloK

    Question about in-Line Dual EC Monitor

    I bought a HM Digital DM-2EC Commercial in-Line Dual EC Monitor. to install on a 5 stage RO/DI system. Question is: Where would you install the sensors. 1: One after the membrane and one after the DI resin, So the last reading is what is going in the tank. 2: One before the membrane and...
  3. L

    Water company replacing pipe

    My water company's sent us a letter saying they'll be replacing some old pipes in our area. My immediate thought was is this going to cause an issue for my water supply for my tanks e.g. chemicals etc. The work is due to take place over four months, I was thinking of emailing them but not sure...
  4. Nells250

    Seachem Fluorite STILL not clean!

    Hello folks I have been trying to rinse half a bag of Seachem Fluorite substrate for MULTIPLE DIFFERENT DAYS now, spaced over a couple of weeks. No matter what I do, I can NOT get the water to run clean! I won't go into the absolute mess it has made in the house each time (outdoor hose is...
  5. Alphabot

    If I put tap water in first then water conditioner will the chlorine in my tap water kill all my beneficial bacteria?

    Setting up a new tank and I put some rocks and filter media from my other tanks in to help cycle but I just realized that even though I've always done it this way does the chlorine kill my beneficial bacteria? I always put tap water in and then conditioner in after I fill the water up.
  6. S

    Newbie(ish) New Freshwater Aquarium Water Parameters Help Needed!

    Hi all, I've just started keeping fresh water tropicals after a 20 year break and I am concerned about some of the test readings I am getting. In particular I am confused about how dangerous nitrate is for fish. My readings are Ammonia 0 mg/L(ppm) - OK Nitrite 0.25 mg/L(ppm) - I think is OK...
  7. BSVKilbey


    Hi all, My Fluval Chi is now cleaned and ready for water! Question.... I know tap water is full of chemicals, however, is there a way to make the water fish friendly without countering the chemicals by adding chemicals? Alternative - I live about 30 seconds away from a natural spring, it is...
  8. K

    Sparkly water?

    Anyone ever experience sparkly water? I take it is my "tap safe" because it seems to be blue and have a slight shimmer to it but I've never noticed it this much before!
  9. B

    Water levels are all wrong

    Hi. I've started a tropical aquarium for the first time and I've had it running for 2 weeks without fish. I bought a test kit that measures the GH, KH, PH, NO2 and NO3 levels. However they're all wrong The levels are showing they're this.. GH - 180ppm KH - 180ppm PH - 8.0 NO2 - 0.5ppm NO3 -...
  10. Joe980

    Particles in the water

    Hi All, I‘ve recently changed my external filter to an Eheim experience 250, I’m mostly impressed with it but there seems to be a lot of particles floating in the water that aren’t being pulled in to the filter inlet. I’ve tried pointing the outlet so the flow circles round to the inlet but...
  11. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  12. G

    Substrate Problem, Fish in bags

    So I have recently started setting up my new 35G tank. The filter and cartridge are used, bacteria is still there. I bought a few fish, too. They are now in the bags they came with. I had forgotten to wash the substrate which was Flourite Dark Porous Clay and put it in the tank anyways. I have...
  13. Ingrid

    What's your use for used aquarium water?

    I am wondering if any one has a use for used aquarium water as I am trying to save water. Sorry if this is in the forum . Thanks for any replies
  14. TheRainbowRoseExperience

    Three months in.

    Hello to all reading this thread, I am a novice to both forum posting and aquariums. I did look after a fish tank for a short time 20 years ago but that was pretty simple, feeding & maintenance. Wanting a pair of Betta fish for his birthday this year, we went to our local aquarium supplier...
  15. C

    Air Stones

    Hi, I'm running am air stone in my 105L tank but whenever I turn it on it disturbs whatever is on the water surface and makes the water look awful My question is, should I just run it and see if it's all filtered out or should I keep it off? Thanks
  16. T

    Cleaning problem with water quantity

    Hello, I am reasonably new to the hobby and have a reasonably small around 30-40 litre tank and have a Syphon tube for cleaning gravel however, I get half way through cleaning and the water gets really low in the tankand I have to fill another bucket of water, dechlorinate, put it back in and...
  17. T

    Heating help!

    I have just taken over my dad's tropical fish tank and I am having so much trouble with the heater. I plugged it in and set it to the temperature he had it on which I think was 26? It was hard to see. Worked fine, water was lovely and warm. I put my hand in the next morning and it was boiling...
  18. fishperson100

    Vacation Feeders?

    Hi! So I am going on vacation, and we have 2 bettas. I bought some of those block feeders, which says it feeds them for a week. It also says to use in circulated water. I don't have any filtration in the tanks (1 gallon, 1/2 gallon). They won't be fed for about 4 1/2 days. Will they water...
  19. S

    African Dwarf Frogs Water level

    Just wondering what I can do about this problem. Ive bought a 13 gallon tank back in february, its a tall tank so the water level reaches quite high. I know the african dwarf frogs arent comfortable with a high water level so I had left the tank just over half filled. However waste keeps...
  20. Cassiopeia

    Help me lower my ammonia levels

    I am new to fish keeping so bear with me. I was gifted 2 common plecostomus, 5 fruit tetra and a 20 gallon tank. I went to the store and got what I thought was everything to go with. Soon found out this tank is way too small so am in the process of getting a 180 gallon tank. YES, IM SURE. Before...
  21. Ian.ryan


    Hi I have my first fish in my new tank, fish and plants doing well ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate is 40 ppm. over the last couple of day, I have noticed that the water has become cloudy, the fish have been in 4 days so tonight I have cleaned the glass and cleaned the gravel and the top filter...
  22. D

    RO Water in tank

    Hi all, Finally cycled my tank! Took about 5 weeks but I'm now there. Water in my area is very hard. Details follow: 113 mg/l as calcium 19.755 Clarke 15.82 German I can purchase RO water from my LFS. What ratio tap water to RO water should I use if I want to keep Cardinal Tetra. I also need...
  23. Cameronb_01

    Emptying/Refilling 450L Tank + 100% Substrate Swap Crisis

    Hi Guys, Two days ago, (almost exactly three years into the lifetime of my planted discus tank), I finally resolved to get rid of my horribly coloured and tacky, (as well as completely waste saturated), substrate and replace it with some new quality stuff which I'd had my eye on for quite a...
  24. T

    Help! My fish are all dying

    I am very new to aquariums and though I have the best intentions, I don't understand a lot of what's happening in my tank. I've had a group of 5 tiger barbs for about 5 weeks now. I've had a couple die and I have replaced them. Yesterday the fish we're fine so I did a scheduled regular water...
  25. B

    Betta sitting on top after water change

    Hello! We have had our fish for about a month now, and my mom changes the water once a week. She doesn't perform a complete water change, but she does change most of it. Ever since she's changed the water a couple of hours ago, our fish has not been moving at all. We gave the bowl a couple of...
  26. Sege

    Quiet Filter Possibly?

    Hi. :DSo I just got a new filter, and I set it up and everything. It runs just how it's supposed to. I just want to make it quieter. I have my tank under my loft bed, and so I sleep right on top of the noise. It's not really the grumbling sounds that the filter makes as the mechanics run to pump...
  27. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Change

    Hi Guys, I have been keeping Discus, (9 of them), in my 450L planted tank now for just over 6 months and it has been going great. However, in order to achieve the look I envisaged for the tank I have my heart set on completely swapping my current gravel substrate for "Amazonia". How should I go...
  28. Tyler_Fishman

    How to soften water

    hi, I'm on a well water system, which gives me a very high PH (7.8) my fish require of a PH of at least 6.5- and the overall hardness reads at 140. I've managed to get the ph down to 7.3 and just lower the hardness slightly by using oak leaves. And though my fish seem to live fine in it, my...
  29. M

    Community Fish Tank

    Hi! I have a 100 litre (22 UK gallon, 26 US gallon) Tropical Fish Tank which I Have had set up for a few years, but now, most of the old fish have died. I'd now like to start afresh, with a community tank. Currently, All I have in there is a bulldog catfish. Ideally, I'd like to have a tank...
  30. FroFro

    This Cloudy Water Is Driving Me Insane.

    36 Gallon bowfront with 9 fish.   I've been having cloudy water issues off and on for a month now. Ever since I planted my dwarf grass plugs I haven't excessively vacuumed the substrate so that's not the cause. The filter is clean, I don't overfeed my fish, I refuse to try water clarifier.    I...
  31. cooledwhip

    Cooledwhip's Diy R/o Water Unit: Harvest Hundreds Of Gallons Of Fr

    HELLO EVERYONE. I'm sure if you have had multiple tanks you wanted to keep certain species of fish, but could not because they needed low pH water which you simply don't have. I don't have low pH water. My tap is like 7.8 I think. Lots of people can't have Red Cherry Shrimp because of their high...
  32. FroFro

    Slightly Cloudy Water? Should I Worry?

    I returned from a trip to the petstore after work as I had my eye on one of their new adult angelfish in stock. After returning home with my new angelfish I noticed my tank has a slight cloudiness about it. I can still see the fish and plants clear enough but it looks like I dropped a few...
  33. Flinkbag

    What's Causing This? Please Help D:

    Hey all!    So within the last two days, I've noticed patches of bubbles on the surface of the water in my tank, kind of like when you use pima fix and it froths up the surface, but a little less severe than that. Also, when I watch my fish, they seem to be breathing more rapidly than usual...
  34. Flinkbag

    Water Colour Is Gross

    Hey all! :D   So for a while now my tank has been an odd colour. If i could describe it, it would be a greeny-yellow-blue XD Its honestly more on the yellow side, but sometimes looks a little blueish green. It has been like this since I had a massive ammonia spike a month or two ago. The water...
  35. cooledwhip

    How Can I Change My Water And Clean My Gravel?

    Hey all I have some questions about cleaning my tank. I have a heavily planted tank with some S repens and lots of other plants. I change my water and I just can't vacuum my substrate. (seachem flourite).   I can see all the specs of brown crap in there, and especially on the glass of the tank...
  36. cooledwhip

    I Want To Start A Nano Reef Sometime This Summer...

    Hey guys I have a lot of freshwater tanks but this summer I wanted to set up a saltwater tank. I have some live rock/dry coral or something that my dad got from florida a long time ago. It's a pretty big piece, and I think it would fit nicely in a 10 gallon. I have never had a saltwater tank...
  37. A

    How Much Water Conditioner

    New member, I did a sheach but couldn't find. (User error) I have a 20g tall aquarium. My question is when I clean my tank I take 25% water out of the tank. How much water conditioner should I put back in? 25% of the tank or 100%.
  38. driger8642

    Changed To Sand From Gravel, A Few Urgent Questions...

    So, I just changed to sand from gravel and I must say, my corys seem to love it..   *I just added the sand 1 day ago* *I rinsed out the sand twice before adding it in the tank*   - The sand seem to have two layers in it.... the bottom one seems dark black with no air pockets while top one is...
  39. benthyer

    Tds Tester

    So with my latest plan to adventure intot he world of shrimps and also the lack of knowledge on some of my water parameters I was looking for a TDS Tester.   I came across this and was wandering if anyone had used one before and what they though? Alternatively if you know of something better...
  40. W

    High Tap Water Ph

    Hello all   I'm new to the fish community. I have kept fish before but not seriously until now. I have some question on options for my tank water. My tap water is much higher than I'd like it to be, 8.4.   What would be a good idea to lower ph? for water changes? can my fish adjust to this...