
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    My Cousin's Rock Collection- 5.5 Gallon Thrive Terrarium Journal

    Started October 21st, 2024 My cousin Ana stayed with us for a short time and started a rock collection. I convinced her to let me move her findings to a deep substrate terrarium and watch what happens.
  2. Death by Fish Tanks

    Mossy Plains Journal

    Started 12/5/2024 "While this ecosystem is named after, well, the moss, I've actually been through quite a few plants in here. As of this post, the floor is dominated by Hypnum cupressiforme, accented with some sort of ivy. No notable creatures in here yet besides springtails, but that'll change...
  3. Death by Fish Tanks

    Shelfhollow Crypt Journal

    Specimens bought 3/25/2024, Project Started 7/24/2024 Went through a jararium(Jar Vivarium/Aquarium) phase last year, and this one as my oldest standing project, as well as one of my favorites! Shelfhollow Crypt, named after where it's kept(Shelf) and the pile of logs for shelter half buried in...
  4. Death by Fish Tanks

    Starry Highlands; Zoo Med Creatures! Creatures Habitat Journal

    Started 7/18/2024 Originally called "Arid Duff," I decided to name it after one of my favorite moses, Star Moss(which makes up the habitats floor). The background is tree bark and Fern Moss. The main plant that stretches up into the canopy is some kind of weed. I don't know what it is, but it...
  5. Death by Fish Tanks

    Zoo Med Creatures Den Low Profile Vivarium Journal

    That was originally going to use it for some sort of small gecko, but decided to use it for an invertebrate ecosystem instead. The apex predator will either be a praying mantis or a jumping spider, whichever I get a hold of first. And more moss because you could *never* have too much moss!
  6. F

    Turning established tank into a palludarium?

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but this seems like a DIY project. I currently have a 60 gallon tank (a good mix of width and height) that’s been running for a couple weeks now, it only has a few cherry shrimp and some live plants (aluminium, dragon flame, purple...
  7. fishperson100

    Bearded Dragon and Rankin's Dragon?

    Hello all! So, I just had a few questions about keeping a bearded dragon or a Rankin's Dragon (well, a lot actually:)) So I will try to make this as short as possible. 1. How big of a tank do bearded dragon's need? - I've heard it should be at least 36x18x12 in. or 4x2x2x ft. I do not have...
  8. D34DLY

    Diy Aquarium & Vivarium Stand

    Ok so I went away from the ideas of a complicated corner design with a diagonally-shaped aquarium tank, I "suppose" these "were" out of my price range. (I was quoted around £500+ for the fish tank only!) Instead, I took a different approach - Dual stands! Just for those unaware, dual...