
  1. Falconwithaboxon

    Unique Fish

    What is the most unique fish everybody has? I'll start I don't have a unique individual but what I think is a unique group. I have a group of Cory Cats in my 45g that includes Julii, Emerald, Albino, and Pepper with plans for some pygmy in the future.
  2. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have a 125 gallon tank and I'm currently deciding what to stock it with, I've made a post before on suggestions. I read that I can keep freshwater stingrays in a tank of that size. So I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with those.
  3. Vengified

    Fry in Tank, how to W/C, etc. And UNIQUE female. And tank pics.

    So, I have several questions/concerns, and also a few pics I would like some opinions/information on, so please livebear with me, on my livebearer inquiries! :clap: Sorry it's rather long winded. Also, before anyone asks, I do know the nitrogen cycle, my tank is fully cycled, ph 8.0, hardness...
  4. S

    Anyone Know What Type Of Fish This Is?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is. I was told a loach but not sure if it is or what kind it is?