
  1. D

    Should i worry about TB ? (Fish Tuberculosis / M. marinum)

    Hi! Long story short, I bought some Asian glass catfish for my main tank today. They had been in the shop for quite some time. I asked the guy how long they had been there, and he told me it had been 8 weeks. So, I naively thought, "Well, okay, that seems safe. They've pretty much already...
  2. D

    Guppy facing downwards

    So I’ve taken a look at my aquarium of guppies which live with a turtle btw, and I have noticed a weird adult guppy facing downwards. I googled why’s that, and it kind of told me that my fish might fave fish tuberculosis. But i’m not sure. She’s somewhere about 1 year old. Please help me, tell...
  3. Barry Tetra

    Questions regarding fish TB

    So I have been reading things in Manual of Fish Health and this forum and have a bunch of questions regarding fish TB: 1. Why TB are common in fish from south/asian farm? 2. Can fish get TB even if you don’t buy new fish? 3. I always have cuts on my hand (I don’t know how?) How many percent can...
  4. Stargazee

    Fish TB?

    I have been losing a fish every couple of months. I have 9 mbuna fish left (previously a chaos tank but do not want to introduce any more fish until this is solved), and a pleco in a 55 gallon with a FluvalSmart 706. I have 3 plants and barely any nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, ph 8.2. I...
  5. I

    HELP PLEASE My guppy is going to die

    There is something wrong with my female guppy. When I woke up this morning, she had a bent spine and was having a hard time swimming. She was very gaunt and has loss of color. I took her out of the main tank and put her in a plastic bin with warm water and water conditioner. Her spine was really...
  6. A

    Betta with Tuberculosis?

    Hello all. I got my first betta a year ago. He took to his tank really well. Had a small filter, heater and treated water. He got sick off and on throughout the year. He had Popeye in one eye. Treated that. Got it in the other eye. Treated that. Off and on again. Recently he had another episode...
  7. J

    Help Sick Betta

    Please help us figure out what is wrong with our sick betta fish, Indigo! We have had him for 10 months and recently he has been acting very strange. He lays at the bottom of his 2.5 gallons filtered and heated tank and doesn’t move. We thought he was dead but his gills are moving, and when you...
  8. cooledwhip

    Fish Tuberculosis.

    I was watching a fish video on youtube and they lady mentioned that fish TB is a real thing and it can be serious. Is this true? How big is a problem with fish TB? It's something I never considered. I reach my hand in my tanks all the time to move something or grab a fish to see if he has grown...