Ok bare with me here I know this is a strange one but my local nature Reserve has two large lakes , can’t fish them as it’s protected , obviously Being from Good old Lizzies England They are cold water fish , carp roach perch pike etc but there is an abundance of slate and wood just in the water...
I discovered last night my tank has ICK in it, it took my pleco and I moved my guppy to a quarantine tank. There is no fish int he tank now only a lot of plants and my drift wood and substrate. I turned off my filter, I have my heater and air stone still going tho. I added two tablets of Tetra...
Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have posted! Anyway, I have a question for anyone that can help!
I have been blessed to live in an area that only uses well water. And because of this, I have never had to buy the water treatments. I just put the water in the tank and let it...
hiya, ive had to setup a qt tank due to my old clownfish injuring her eye and getting pop eye, im on day 2 of myxazin which treats popeye, 1.5-2ml of it in a 28liter qt tank, think is i need to do water changes cos the ammonia is creeping up ever so slightly and i want it nominal, the question...