torn fin

  1. Irksome

    Small tail splits

    Hello everyone. My lovely betta appears to have a couple of small splits in his tail. I am aware of their delicate reputation but figured his tank was safe. His driftwood is smooth, his terracotta pot is sanded and has the hole enlarged. All his plants are real and he has an air driven sponge...
  2. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  3. P

    Good product for torn fins?

    Hey there! I have a female koi betta named Poplar, and she is a great personality. She lives with a little female bristlenose pleco in their 10 gallon, and both fish are happy and healthy. The problem however, is that SawWhet (pleco) and Poplar tend to fight over veggies (cucumber, nori...
  4. TheSoggyBagel

    My Black Skirt Tetra is sick! Pleas help!

    Hi everyone! I need help! A few months ago I rescued a black skirt Tetra from my uncle, who kept him in a 40g with barely any water (5-10 gallons of water actually in the tank), no heater, and he hadn't cleaned the tank in 6 moths. The fish hadn't been fed for one. When my uncle finally took...
  5. mrstwalker

    Urgent! Betta/platy

    Hi all,    Let me sort of start from the beginning. Around 6-7 months ago, my gorgeous blood red male crowntail betta (Mistletoe - got him as a christmas gift) passed away. He was a BIG boy, but had such a gentle nature to him. He was housed with a few platys (of all colors and variety) and 3...