threadfin rainbowfish

  1. E

    How long has this fish been trapped in my plants??

    My threadfin rainbowfish are extremely skiddish, and apparently when they get scared they nose dive so deep into my valisneria that they get stuck and can't get out. I lost (they literally disappeared) one fish a week or two ago, one fish two and a half days ago, and one fish just today a...
  2. KatNor21

    Which fish should I get

    Hi, looking for opinions. This is my 38 gallon planted tank and looking to add one more fish species to complete it. Here's what I have: 9 green neon tetras 10 black phantom tetras Amano and red rili shrimp kept at 74-78 degrees 2 HOB Aquaclear 20 filters pH 6.4 GH 300ppm I'm thinking either 2...
  3. Ch4rlie

    Disappearing Threadfins

    As title says, there has been some mysterious disappearances of my Threadfin Rainbowfish!   More specifically have had 4 Threadfins disappear over the last 2 months or so.   No evidence whatsoever of whats happened to them, no body, no bones, nothing.   Water parameters, ph, 7.8, amonia 0...