
  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Rebecca's 55 Gallon Freshwater Journal

    My friend Rebecca has a 55 gallon tank I helped her rescape in the past, so I thought I'd start to share its progress here. She *loves* angel and and rainbow fish. Unfortunately I forgot to save almost all of the pictures I've ever taken, so I'm starting over now. This is what her tank looks...
  2. KuhlKuhli

    Complete Aquarium Set - Aqua One Aquasys 230 - [Basingstoke, UK]

    Age and Condition: All items are 3 years old and in good condition. Quantity for Sale: One complete aquarium set, including equipment, scaping materials, and livestock. Reason for Sale: Making space in the house and no longer have the time to maintain the setup. Delivery or Collection...
  3. T

    Transparent White Specks on Aquarium Glass

    Hello, I just got Ich (verified,) and have moved my fish (6 white skirt tetras) from their 20L to a 10g hospital tank. This will be their home until the Ich is gone from the main (now shrimp only) tank. I'm beginning to notice these on the tank glass. Any idea as to what they may be? From what...
  4. L

    Hello! Question on if my fish has Ick or not?

    Hello everyone my name is Logan and I am fairly new to fish keeping (been about 6 months since my first fish and tank) I recently got a new 20 gallon tank and allowed to cycle for a good month and a half including starter bacteria and fish food occasionally to get ammonia spikes and then see if...
  5. carligraceee

    A little 40g update + pH help!

    Hey guys! Long time no see! I decided to give another update since I have made some more changes and added some things. Stock: - Davinci the African Butterfly fish, he has reached around 3.5 inches so far - 11 Black Phantom Tetras, all around 1.5 inches - NEW 12 Bleeding Heart Tetras, all...
  6. F

    Mom and Daughter New Member Hellos

    Hello, Thank you for any help we receive in advance. We are newish to hobby aquariums and we are hoping to come here when we have questions or need help. We have a 10 Gallon tank that has been running for 2 1/2 weeks with just plants. Yesterday we added 2 Black Velvet Mollies, 2 Dalmatian...
  7. carligraceee

    Update 2022

    I could not access this forum for months for some weird reason! But I am back! I wanted to give an update on my tank! Current Stocking: - 1 African Butterfly Fish - 11 Black Phantom Tetras - 7 Kuhli Loaches - 1 Clown Loach - I will be keeping him till he gets too big for my 40g...
  8. S

    New to fish keeping!

    Hello! I have built my first "real" tank. I had a 5 gallon with a plant and 2 guppies. My wife surprised me with Permission to get a 20. So that's exactly what I got. I currently have 3 black mollies, 4 gold dust mollies, 8 Ember Tetras, 1 pink tux Guppy, 2 female Fancy guppies and 1 Albino Cory...
  9. Anonymous Fox

    Constructive criticism?

    My grandfathers tank size: 35-40 gallons tall bow front tank Stocking *warning, pretty bad*: 2 boenus aris tetras, 1 glow light tetra (probably gonna end up getting), 2 Glofish/tetras, 10+ fancy guppies No live plants, two filters ( one built into the log/ tree thingy), heaters, slate hides...
  10. B

    Buenos Aires Tetras- Aggression with Each Other

    So I have a 29 gallon tank. I only had 5 corydoras in it for a few months. I finally decided to get some buenos aires tetras. I got the 6 that was recommended to start with. While they were in their quarantine tank, they attacked one of the smaller ones. His tail got pretty much destroyed. I...
  11. JohnnyFish

    Best Algae/Cean up?

    HI I have a 10 gallon tank and im looking for options to help with algae and keeping it clean. Currently I have 9 ember tetras and 2 cardinals. I recently heavily stocked it with plants and tropical substrate, and has slowly been developing some algae on the leaves and glass so could do with...
  12. T

    55gallon stocking suggestions

    Hi, just set up a 55 gallon aquarium and I'm not sure what I should stock it with. My city's water is considered hard I believe. * Ph = 7.8 - 8.52 units. * GH = 159 - 164 ppm * Calcium = 47 - 78.5 ppm Some Ideas I've had were: - Tetra Tank with 5 or six large schools of tetra - Angel Fish Tank...
  13. JohnnyFish

    Finished Tank!

    I just thought I would add a pic of my (almost) finished 37l tank! i'm planning to add shrimp in a few weeks, probably cherries, but i'm not sure how many is a good place to start?
  14. P

    Ich, Tail Rot and water changes

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby. I currently have living in my 20 gallon hexagaon tank: 3 gourami, 2 zebra loaches, 2 guppies, 5 tetras, 1 snail, maybe 2 shrimp but they're hard to find. So I have Ich in my tank and it's on everyone except the loaches. One of the guppies presented with tail rot today...
  15. B

    Head-and-Tail-Tetra Behavior: Circling

    Hello all, I have a few questions about head-and-tail-light tetra behavior. I used to have 3 of these tetras in my planted 10 gallon glass aquarium with intentions to get more once I transfer them into my 30 gallon that I have not yet started to cycle... there are only 2 left- the two bigger...
  16. Y

    Help! Honey Gourami missing?

    Hello! I purchased 3 male Honey Gouramis yesterday. They all seemed 100% fine yesterday, no agression in the tank (Theyre in the tank with 2 Khuli Loaches and 6 Neon Tetras, 6 glowlight tetras, and a Zebra Nerite Snail). All swimming normally. Fed them last night and this morning one is...
  17. FishFry420

    Nipping Glowfish

    Hi,I have 4 glowfish tetras along with sum guppies in my 20gal I'm not sure which of them is doing the nipping, but ome of my tetras tails has been nipped so extremely, down to nubs and im concerned :( The other tetras have little to none damage to their fins. What do I do!!!
  18. J

    Male Betta Fighter with Neon Blue Dwarf Gouramis?

    Hi all! So I have had my 80 Litre (roughly 17.5 Gallon) tank for a few weeks now and my first fish; 5 cardinal tetras (which I added after waiting 2 weeks), and 2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami (one male and one female, another 2 weeks after the tetras), as well as an Albino Bristlenose Pleco...
  19. T

    55 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with. Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far: - Discus with some sort of tetras - Angels with some sort of tetras Maybe add loaches too. Are these good combinations? What would be your...
  20. Jan Cavalieri

    What is going on with this tank

    It's Jan again - long story ahead, I know you love it: I recently purchased a new tank to break up a group of peaceful and aggressive Gourami's as well as most likely purchase a few new fish. So purchased a new 29 gal glass tank. It has a lovely heater I've been keeping at about 78 degrees, a...
  21. I

    Cherry shrimp missing!!!

    I have a densly planted 56 gallon tank(even floating plants) with only tetras and a pair of roseline sharks.It is a well set ecosystem. I have kept and bred many exotic fish over the years. However i have never been able to keep cherry shrimp!! I have kept amano for years and they have no...
  22. B

    Help me identify these tetras

    I saved about 40 fish from a guy who was shutting down his tank. He gave me some neon tetras, rummy nose tetras, guppies, halfbeaks, and then two species of tetras I don’t know the name of and the guy at the pet store also didn’t know what they were. Some of them also look like they may be...
  23. C

    What else should I stock?

    I have a 30 gallon planted fish tank with 9 black neon tetras 5 false julii Cory's and 3 amano shrimp. What else should I add. I was thinking about a dwarf cichlid but I am not sure what to go with I have 2 ceramic caves also. I was also thinking about adding some more shrimp if so how many...
  24. T

    So Serpae Tetras...

    Ever since we added two serpae tetras, they have been very happy fish. However, we noticed that the smaller tetra (not THAT much smaller, maybe like a millimeter or two) started hiding a lot and began having trouble swimming. Many people online assumed that it might just be dying, however it’s...
  25. J

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    Hey guys! Over the summer I want to start a 5 gallon tank and I have been looking up what kind of fish you can keep in that size of tank, because I know it's super small. I was thinking either a betta, or some tetras of some sort, or shrimp. So my first question is how many of each fish can I...
  26. D

    Stocking a 35 litre (8 gallon) Biorb Tube tank

    Hi guys, Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety. Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle. With regard to...
  27. CarloM12

    Talking about Freshwater Stingrays

    So this thread is going to be discussing freshwater stingrays in general. About a month ago I purchased a teacup stingray for my community tank with Discus, thinking they would get along. Contrary to popular beliefs, the discus nipped at the ray’s disc and killed it. A month layer, I’ve gotten a...
  28. CarloM12

    Discus Disasters!

    Hello everyone, I’m new to the forums. So I’m gonna begin my first post with a bit of a bang. My Discus are driving me crazy. It all started in August after I got back from vacation, I found two of my 11 dead. I have a 125 gallon tank, discus, angelfish (Small), tetras, rainbows, clown loaches...
  29. VelvetBetta

    10 gal community tank

    I got a betta (velvet thunder) about a mount ago since then I have added 5 harliquen rasboras and 6 glow light tetras. Thunder was fine with this he still acts the same and does not chance or attack them. I was thinking of getting some Pygmy corydoras and I was wondering how many I should get...
  30. S

    Hi, My Name Is Skye! (I could use a little help)

    Hi everyone, My name is Skye Phan. I have a 50 gallon tank with 3 medium size bala sharks, a 5" common pleco, a 2" albino bristlenose pleco, 5 longfin zera danios, 4 neon tetras (I had nine, but they have neon tetra disease. I am hoping to replace these with more danios), 6 albino cory catfish...
  31. A

    Neon tetras

    Hi, I set up a 5.5 gallon rectangular tank, with a filter for a 10 gallon tank. I put 5 neon tetras in it, then 5 ghost shrimp. Over the course of 3-4 days, all of the ghost shrimp died. I got an oto. 2 days and it died. The neons continued to seem fine. I had my water tested and it was high in...
  32. Thatg1r1

    All my Tetra fish died overnight!

    Hi all, this is my first post so please forgive me If I've posted this in the wrong area. 2 days ago I purchased some Tetra fish to go into my cycled shrimp and Kuhli loach tank, all the new tetras seemed to be doing fine until today when I awoke to find all of the newly purchased tetras dead...
  33. X

    Pea Puffer Community Help

    Hello all (first post!!!), I am about to pick up a 60 gallon tank and am trying to plan out my community. I know I want freshwater tropical fish. I am not completely new to the hobby but it's been awhile and I have never had a large variety of fish. I had a 150 gallon Oscar tank with one Tiger...
  34. SarahMarie

    New tank mates!

    Hi all, I've recently got back into fish keeping after a couple of years. I've recently upgraded to a 240 litre cycled tank, which currently houses 3 angel fish and 10 tetras. I was thinking of getting more fish for the tank and was considering a shoal of corydoras. However I was wondering...
  35. Qwooks

    New 110l Tank.. stocking level suggestions.

    Hi All, I am fairly new to keeping fish. Previously had goldfish in a 40l tank after really poor pet shop advice.... have rehomed them to someone with a 350l tank so am now going to upgrade mine to 110l. (80cm x 50cm high x 35cm) Once it is cycled I would like a mix of guppies, neon tetras...
  36. E

    Been A Few Weeks Things Have Settled Down

    hell again  well it has been awhile since i have posted and alot has happened. soooo where to start all my fish are settled in and enjoying life in the tank. i added some serpae tetras and another store called them black skirt tetras so idk???? that is one question. sitting watching these fish...
  37. F

    New Silver Mollies

    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd create a log to show the breeding of mollies and the community interactions in my 20 gallon aquarium.  I recently added 6 silver mollies to the bunch so now the tank is stocked as follows:  1 male skirt tetra, 1 female skirt tetra, 1 bleeding heart tetra, 3...
  38. M

    Glowlight Tetra Breeding

    Hi I have 7 Glowlights in one tank and there is one Glowlight who seems to be pregnant and I am led to believe this as the fish has a larger stomach then the others and looks like all the others pictures of pregnant Glowlights on Google images. So I have noticed the fishes appearance like this...
  39. K

    Stocking A 29 Gallon In A Month And Need Help

    I am purchasing a 29 gallon aquarium soon and will cycle it according to the page that everyone keeps using on this forum. I am trying to figure out the best way to stock the tank though. Here are some of my ideas. Please let me know what you think or if any of these are a horrible idea!    7...
  40. S

    Fin Nipped Tetra And Nippy Guppy

    So last night I spent hours moving my fish and setting up a new 75l (20gal) aquarium which was an upgrade of a 34l (<10gal) one. One of my Serpae tetras has been severely fin nipped and has difficulty swimming around. I was wondering if I was able to put just that one tetra into a small qt tank...