
  1. M

    What to look out for? Possible TB?

    The other day i enquired about some bogwood, seller said he was shutting down tank so the 6 fish he had ( 3 zebra danio's and 3 panda cory's ) would have to go with it. I thought their water requirements and temp matched those of my tank so i didn't decline. My tank is 160 ish litres and...
  2. Lauren J

    Mollies with sunken bellies???

    I lost my new black molly last week after noticing she had a sunken belly after giving birth. This week, my white molly has clamped fins and developed a sunken abdomen almost overnight. She is rubbing up against decorations and rocks. Also, my other black molly also has clamped fins and a slight...
  3. S

    Hiya, newbie with poss TB emergency

    Hi all, brand new and first time posting. I'm Shireen and I set up a tank in my daughter's room about 18 months ago... 30 litres with plastic and real plants, no heater but sits around 20 degrees as wanted to keep temperate fish. Test the water regularly and have never had any problems. I put in...
  4. H

    How To Handle Tank After Suspected Tb Issue?

    I am fairly certain I lost most of my tank to Mycobacterium bacteria, also known as fish tuberculosis or wasting disease. I had my 75g reef tank up and running for about 8 months before this issue. My temperature stays fairly stable at 78.8, I use RO water, have a cascade 1000 canister filter...