
  1. K

    Sparkly water?

    Anyone ever experience sparkly water? I take it is my "tap safe" because it seems to be blue and have a slight shimmer to it but I've never noticed it this much before!
  2. nofishinginmytank

    Can I Put Goldfish Tap Safe In A Tropical Tank?

    I have been to the lfs to get some more tap safe they only had one sort so I grabbed it and came home :) But when I got home I read the bottle and realised that it is for goldfish :/ does it matter? They really need cleaning out today and I can't go back down to the lfs until friday :/ should I...
  3. T

    Interpet Bioactive Tapsafe

    Hi, Could someone tell me how much Bioactive tapsafe should I put in a 13 litre tank ?
  4. Ny82

    Bottled Water

    Hi just a quick and probably pointless question but, if I run out of tap safe, can I used bottled water?  The reason I am asking is I have upped my water changes in my fry tank to 2 a day as they get fed about 3-4 times a day, brine shrimp in the morning and at night. The fry colours seem to be...