
  1. N

    How many fish is too much?

    Hi I have 120l tank plenty of hiding places live planted, lava rock and drift wood. I’m just wondering how many fish roughly I can have. I do already have a few I just wanted to check if I should stay as I am, could add a few more or need to upgrade to a bigger tank. My community current...
  2. T

    I need help with finding good tank mates

    Hey guys, I have a 55-60 gallon tank, I’m looking to get another mate(s) for the tank. I have 10 tiger barbs about an inch or less in length and 2 3 inch Pictus catfish. All are doing well together. I have two pleco as well.
  3. C

    Tetra Question

    Has anybody successfully kept Rummynose Tetra and Buenos Aires Tetra together?
  4. L

    I Rescued an Imposter Fish

    Hello all! Long story short...I'm in the beginning stages of setting up a 40 gallon tank (I've had them in the past). I was asked if I wanted to rescue an upside down catfish (in imminent danger of being flushed alive--Seriously!!) so I agreed. I have had upside down catfish before with no...
  5. S

    How Much Guppys Will Fit In My 10 Gallon Tank

    PLEASE READ!!! Hello! I'm going to soon become a new owner of guppies (Though I have been an owner of a betta before). I am interested in how much guppies would be able to fit in my 10 gallon tank? I was think of getting about 4 guppies and MAYBE get 2 dwarf gouramis. And also, I don't know if...
  6. RyRy

    New Betta owner, looking for advice/opinions

    Hello everyone, My name is Ryan and I recently got myself a Betta (yay!) After contemplating it for a long time and doing god knows how much research into the care, likes, dislikes of betta fish me and my partner finally decided to take the plunge. We have a 64 litre love fish tank which we...
  7. K

    Confirmation on Fish Compatibility

    Hello, I am very new to the hobby, and I've been researching avidly while in the process of cycling my tank. I have a 35 gal, and very much fell in love with Honey Gourami. I am torn on tank mates, as I was recommended platy and ember or black neon tetra. So my thoughts were: 2 honey Gourami 4...