
  1. G

    Oscar schooling tankmate

    So I have a oscar that's around 4-5 inches, I wanna add some tank mates but I've tried in the past but he just ate them. I would like to have a schooling fish maybe like a black skirt tetra or something big enough to fend for their own. Thanks
  2. ember04

    Tank mates for Black ghost knife fish

    I'm curious, I'm planning to create a tank around a black ghost knife fish and I was wondering what is a safe tank mate for them, I'm a big fan of oddball fish so any other oddballs that would work would be really appreciated. maybe a Senegal bichir, maybe an African butterflyfish or some type...
  3. G

    Pink Zebra Danios with Rosy Barbs ?

    (Dont mind my bad English) I have 7 Rosy barbs in my 40gal tank who are 1.5 - 2.5 inches in sizes. They were living with a gourami(3 spot). The gourami have grown way too big so I've given her back to the fish store. I saw there some beautiful pink zebra danios and was very tempted to buy those...
  4. Meg0000

    Paradise fish

    Hi it is like my third thread about this fish but I still need a second opinion. So as I was searching for a tankmate for my paradise fish I had the Idea of getting another female from the place I got my fish but I dont know if the fish would remember they know eachother. My tank is only 10...
  5. Irksome

    Testing betta tankmates

    I have heard about testing a Bettas temperament to see if they are suitable community fish and I was surprised by the outcome. I had 2 low ranking male guppies(short tailed) in my tank eating the last few detritus worms and added my new betta out of curiosity really to see if he is one of the...
  6. Meg0000

    Female paradise fish?

    So I got a paradise fish 2 weeks ago and I tough it was a male and now I am not sure because I think I saw him lay eggs. If the PF is a female, is she gonna be happy alone? One last question, are they picky at food because I got her/him fluval bug bite for small to medium sized tropical fish...
  7. E

    Uaru tankmates

    is there any peaceful smaller fish that could be kept with a pair of Uaru in a 90gallon aquarium?
  8. E

    90 gallon tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
  9. B

    Betta tank mates?

    Hi there hopefully I have gotten the correct category for my question :) I have recently purchased a 22 litre tank and was looking at getting a betta. From my research this seems like a good size, but I was wondering about tank mates. Is there any tank mates that you recommend or would a Betta...
  10. T

    36 Gallon Angelfish Advice Please

    Hi, so my mom passed away 2 years ago and i just now decided to try out her passion with fish, I got her 55 gallon goldfish tank up and running with 5 fish in there currently. She had a 36 gallon that had a leak. I just removed the silicone and re sealed it. In a week i'll be looking to fill it...
  11. L

    What Type Of Pleco Is This?

    i just got a new fish for my tank and for my batta he just seems so bored but now all he does is gets really curios of his new tank mate he dosent attack him ive watched him sometimes  gandolf(the betta) will swim to where sir (the pleco) is hiding and investigate  but my real question is is...