tank updates

  1. carligraceee

    Update 2022

    I could not access this forum for months for some weird reason! But I am back! I wanted to give an update on my tank! Current Stocking: - 1 African Butterfly Fish - 11 Black Phantom Tetras - 7 Kuhli Loaches - 1 Clown Loach - I will be keeping him till he gets too big for my 40g...
  2. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Hey guys! So this past two and half months (almost three months, I think) has been huge for my aquarium and because of everyone's contributions to my successful ecosystem I wanted to share an update with you guys! Stocking: I now have six fish in my tank as well as about a dozen or so snails...
  3. carligraceee

    New Corys and an update!

    Hey guys! I took some tests these past weeks and have been watching my water. My ammonia levels are at 0 and all my water levels are puerfect (the hardness is a little low but my fish are not exhibiting any signs of stress or malnutrition). My fish have been so well that I took another step and...
  4. Dukefish

    Betta Sorority (6 Month Update) (Comments/Advice/Guidance Welcomed!)

    I last posted in August after recently doing the forum introducing you all to my first tank ever and my betta sorority: Link After some advice and research I made some changes and entered the Tank of the Month: Link It's been several months since I posted so I'd like to give you an update on...
  5. fisharecool789

    tank update?

    hey everyone, sorry if i’m posting under the wrong topic : ( there are just so many i don’t know which one to post under! but i got two cryptocorn plants, as well as an amazon (amazonian?) sword plant (i think?), my female veiltail betta is getting along really well with my guppies !!! the 3...
  6. B

    My 30 Litre Tank.

    Hey Guys,   Thought i would start some updates of my tank, this is the first tropical tank i have set up, so any advice or ideas would be appreciated, i also think it would be cool in the future for me to look back on this, when i first started dealing with tropical fish.   So, some basic info...