tank size

  1. P

    Planning my first aquarium! Looking for feedback and suggestions...

    I'm in the planning stage of setting up my first aquarium. Space is a bit limited and the place I've found to put it won't be ideal to everyone's mind, but I've got to work with what I've got. I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts on what I'm planning and get some ideas for the stuff that still...
  2. J

    Advice on stocking for a newbie

    Hey guys, I'm more or less new to the hobby. Had fish as a kid, but as far as things go I'm pretty much a beginner. I've done a lot of research into different fish and their needs the past year or so but that doesn't compare to real experience so I thought I'd come ask you nice people for your...
  3. outofwater

    Can tank "overhang" an inch on each side over shortish stand?

    Hi guys, I've got a 29g tank, size 30 x 12 x 18 (inches). Currently I have it on top of a sturdy TV stand and I'm looking to get a tank stand, however the one I found is 27 inches long. So the question is whether this tank could safely sit on this stand with 1 or 1.5 inches "hanging out" on...
  4. F

    Thinking about getting into fishkeeping. Would like estimates of the likely costs.

    Hey, folks. Noob here. I'm considering getting into aquaculture/fishkeeping as a hobby, and have started out by reading a few books, subscribing to a few forums, YouTube channels, etc., but before I spend time and money conducting more in-depth research, one of the first things I want to...
  5. How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon?

    How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon? No other fish, just guppies(All males or all females so they don't breed), as well as a couple snails. I don't want to do water changes more than weekly since I usually just do tank maintenance over the weekend.
  6. F

    42 gallon stock help / zebra loach advice

    I’d like help stocking my tank as I’ve heard mixed things online and in pet stores about zebra loaches and a healthy bioload for my tank. I have a 160L / 42 US gallon tank measuring 100cm in length, 50cm high and 40cm wide with plants and driftwood. I have about 20 male guppies in with one...
  7. ember04

    pea puffer tank

    What does everyone think about a single pea puffer in a 7 gallon planted tank? do you think it would work? thanks
  8. Circus

    Skunk corydoras?

    So I saw skunk corydoras for the first time at my LFS. They were priced at $7 each and looked pretty adorable. What size tank would I need for these guys, and would they school okay with pepper corydoras? From what I have read, my water hardness (110 ppm) would be fine for them, and they...
  9. MagicGirl33

    Is my tank big enough?

    I have a five gallon tank with 4 pea puffers in it, and at first I thought it seemed small but I've done many water tests and it seems fine. They don't pick on each other at all but, a family member purchased three otos. Should I buy a whole new 10 gallon tank just for them? Or should I leave...
  10. Juliak

    Black ghost knife fish and bichir tank size suggests

    A few weeks ago I was able to buy some fish for my future large tank and I was hoping some of you would have some suggestions. As of right now I have a 2" black ghost knife fish with 2 delhezi bichirs (3-4"), 1 Senegal bichir (2"), 2 rope fish (12"), 1 giant Danio (2.5"), 1 dojo loach (5") and 1...
  11. Juliak

    Black Ghost Knife Fish and Bichir Tank Size Suggestions

    I recently bought a 2" black ghost knife fish. As of right now, he is in a 60 gallon aquarium with my 2 Senegal bichirs (3-4"), 2 rope fish (12"), 2 giant danios (2"), 1 dojo loach (5"), and 3 adult bronze corys. Most of the fish in this tank (bichirs, rope fish, and BGK fish are very calm and...
  12. ember04

    How many African dwarf frogs in a 7.5 gallom

    Can anyone help me? I am setting up a 7.5-gallon African dwarf frog tank. The tank will be specifically designed around ADF and will have no other tank mate (maybe a snail but that is it). The tank will be planted in a 'jungle' style so very heavily planted and will have lots of driftwood and...
  13. Salty&Onion

    Dimension confusion

    Hi ya'll. I cannot get right size of my tank. There is this wooden bit (rim/bracket whatever) and it measures 4.6 cm high. Do I or don't I include that bit when measuring the tank? Its dimensions (including the wooden bit) are W- 35 (13") cm, H- 50 (19") cm and L- 80 (31") cm - Dimensions...
  14. Barry Tetra

    How many gallon for angelfish

    My beautiful white female angelfish had killed 2 males and almost killed 1 male angel (little dorsal fin and fins left) in 55 gallons tank. she’s also hate being in a group so last month i put her in 10gallons quarantine tank because of her hating everything, she seems happy living alone. now i...
  15. R

    Big enough for now?

    So I've got my Betta set up in a one gallon carry case that you can get from Walmart that I had at my house. He has a small heater, thermometer and litte filter as well as a little house and a Betta leaf. I had only planned on keeping him on there 2 weeks until I could afford a new bigger tank...
  16. B

    Skunk loach...

    I hope I picked the right thread for this, anyways... I have one skunk loach and he is SO aggressive, I was thinking about giving him away but that doesn’t sit right with me. I’m wondering if I can put 4 of them in a 20 gallon tank, if not, can I keep 3 with them being satisfied with the size of...
  17. H

    Tank Help

    so im pretty new to the aquariam hobby but i want to get an African Dwarf Frog. ive done tons of research and think im ready. however i was wondering some things. i want to get a 10 gallon tank recommendations for best heater and filter for ADF? Also do the plants need to be real, and if so...
  18. neoninnesi

    Fantail Goldfish in 10 Gallon Tank

    Firsty I know that a 10 Gallon tank is way too small for a fully grown Fantail. My question is, if I provided proper filtration (undergravel filter, cannister, and frequent pwc) how long could a Fantail (purchased around 1”) thrive in 10 gallons before the small size would stunt its growth? How...
  19. R

    What size tank should I keep an African dwarf frog?

    Hey guys I have a 3.5 gallon tank right now and I saw some African dwarf frogs at the store the other day and I thought they looked so cool! I haven't bought one, but I would like to. I've kept freshwater invertebrates before, so I have a little experience, just not with african dwarf frogs...
  20. K

    Need advice on goldfish and tetra tanks

    I'm pretty new to the hobby. I just won two comet goldfish at the carnival without knowing what that meant. I've done a lot of research, and while one of the fish died a few days after getting them, the other appears to be fine. However, the remaining goldfish and a pleco are currently sharing a...
  21. M

    Common Goldfish Tank Size

    Completely new to fish keeping and after receiving bad advice from my LFS, I bought two common goldfish, a 20 litre tank and a near useless filter. Inevitable my fish got sick, what I believe to be ammonia poisoning. I have done research online and know they need much better living conditions...
  22. J

    Stocking Tank Help

    Hey guys I am new to this site! I have a 29 gallon tall tank. It has been cycled and it is planted with anacharis! I have 7 Zebra Danios in it and I just recently added 6 Leopard Danios, for a total of 13 fish. I am wondering if this is to many fish for a 29 gallon tall tank? I hope not because...
  23. J

    Red Tail Black Shark Tankmates For 63 Gallon Tank

    I'm new to keeping fish but doing as much research as possible before getting my first tank. I am starting on quite a large one, 240 litre in the UK, which is just about 63 US Gallons, and really want a Red Tail Black Shark. What tankmates are most advisable?   I'd prefer not to have to worry...
  24. Z

    New Betta Owner Advise

    Hi all, Right this is my first post.After spending years keeping a 4ft marine tank I have decided since the addiction of my first child it was time to calm it down. I loved my marine tank so much but I was spending more time in the sump than been a dad. The tank has been sold and my stock so I...
  25. A

    Recommended Tank Size For One Swordtail

    So I have a swordtail in a 3 gallon tank who has been doing the shimmying motion a lot. I changed the water, checked acidity, increased temperature, added aq. salt, etc all are fine but he's still shimmying. Could this be a parasite or just a tank that's too small?   He had been perfectly fine a...
  26. T

    Boesmani Rainbow

    Hi, I'm just starting a 200 litre (3ft) planted tank so i'm still deciding what to stock it with.  I'd love some Boesmani rainbows but I've read conflicting info.  some advise nothing under a 4ft tank others say a 3ft is fine.   Can I have Boesmani Rainbows?
  27. A

    Might Have Goofed On This One

    Hi guys, I just set up my tank and got a few fish (don't worry I let it cycle for about a week before adding them) and I noticed when I got my Marble Mollies home that one of them looked quite large. I was in a giddy rush at the store and didn't notice while I was there. After doing...
  28. Shaucid

    Red-hump Eartheater Tank Size?

    Hi everyone, I'll be getting a Red-Hump Eartheater tank sometime in the future, and I need to know what size tank will let a pair of Red-Humps live happily without going overkill on tank size. Advice on what size tank I need or just plain tips on Red-Hump Eartheaters is greatly appreciated...