tank conditions

  1. M

    Cloudy water, no fish, please help?

    Hello, I’ll start by saying i am a massive beginner in this hobby and i’m just looking for some help :) My tank is a 10 gallon tank with a filter, heater, and bubbler. it has four fake plants and a piece of wood, all of which were rinsed thoroughly with water. the gravel is from petco, and was...
  2. Inkweaver313

    Tropical fish dying quickly after move wha

    Help! Backstory: I had a 45 gallon tank with mollies and neon tetras set up for about a year. The mollies were breeding like crazy (as they do) so I rehomed all but 5 males. I needed the 45 for a rescue goldfish I got so I purchased a 30 gallon tank. I set it up, let the temperature settle to...
  3. R

    Mysterious Tank Conditions Causing Fish Stress :(

    Hello Everybody! I'm new to the forum so bear with me here because this will require quite an explanation. I have a bit of a mystery that I need help solving before it starts killing my tank inhabitants. My 20-gallon long tank setup seems to be stressing any inhabitant that I put into it and...