
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    My swordtail is playing dead but he moves every couple minutes

    I do water changes weakly I feed them a mixture of tropical vitality and color flakes with freeze dried bloodworms which a rehydrate before feeding
  2. Connershawzz


    We could have sworn our female was prego , but since we had a bichir I figured he ate the eggs. This was about a month ago. Today on my lunch come home to show my buddy my bichir , 4 baby velvet wag swordtails and counting! I’ve been begging my wife for a second tank , guess who’s on her way to...
  3. JackGulley

    How big do Swordtails grow? Which would you recommend for a 20 gal, that or Mollies?

    Hi, I'm setting up my first aquarium (20long planted freshwater); at the moment I've got cherry shrimp, zebra danios, and a couple of white cloud mountain minnows (plan to get more so they're not lonely) but I'm planning to get something a little bigger for the tank in the future. I'm drawn to...
  4. R

    Help, Emergency fry tank setup

    So I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m wondering if someone can give me some advice. I have a pregnant swordtail in my 20gallon community tank and I also have a pair of (what I believe to be) sunset thicklipped gourami’s, which up until yesterday were in my community tank. However a couple of fish had...
  5. R

    Possible pregnant swordtail

    Hi I’m new to fish keeping and I’m thinking one of my swordtail are pregnant? I’m wondering if anyone could confirm this and possible know roughly how long it will be until she has fry? Thanks in advance:)
  6. D

    My weird Guppy!

    Good Morning!! I’m new to this forum and very excited to be here. I’ve been keeping fish for many many years and now only keep one thirty gallon tank. I have this unusual male guppy that has a triple swordtail. Has anyone seen a guppy like this?
  7. Katemine

    Nursery tank is finally complete.

    10 gal set up for live bearing mothers and their fry. No males allowed. Non pregnant females and males are kept in a studding tank. I love this hobby. It is keeping ke very happy. Let me know what you think of it.
  8. Couwu

    Guppies seem afraid of new Tank mates

    EDIT: 30.05.22 So, I am not sure if the tetra has/had lockjaw in the firdt place? Is there perhaps something similar to lockjaw? When we got him, his mouth was wide open and he could only move it a little bit. Now after a week of treatment, isolation and a clean hospital tank, his mouth can...
  9. oacason27


    I bought a few swordtails online. This male has a raised tan nodule on it's fin. He seems healthy otherwise. Any idea what it is? I asked the seller and they said it looked like his coloring...but it's clearly a raised bump. The new fish are in quarantine so no worries there. No issues with the...
  10. G

    Possibly pregnant Swordtail help!!

    Fat or pregnant swordtail ?? Is she is pregnant how much longer do you think until babies? … so sorry she is pooping😂 It’s a koi female swordtail and I also have a male koi swordtail I have another post too today for a platy if u can help with that too won’t let me put vids so they are blurry
  11. xipo817

    About genetics of platy and swordtail

    I am planning to make albino platy by crossing platy and albino swordtail. I know the oncogene xmrk located in X and Y chromosome in platy might cause tumor in hybrid if I am not careful enough. I heard those tumor is melanoma and its progenitor is only macromelanophore. So my question is...
  12. R

    60 litres: Single male swordtail with or without guppies

    Hello Everyone I have 60 litres (13.2 gallon) tank with a group of Endler guppies in. They are doing great but of course, there is a problem of the rapidly growing population I would like to control. I bought 4 of them and now I have around 15 adults and lots of youngsters/fry. I always liked...
  13. M

    Livebearers not breeding-suggestions?

    Hi everyone, Apologies for the long winded post, but I want to give as much information as I can to hopefully get the best answers possible. I currently have a 20 gallon tank set up. I’ve kept tanks on and off for years. This tank was set up in November. It contains livebearers as well as live...
  14. JemZ

    Injured Swordtail

    Hey everyone I believe my swordtail has sustained an injury from my Chinese Algae Eater. Ever since I moved my pregnant platy to her own aquarium the swordtail has become almost entranced by the CAE. He'll swim around his house and poke his head inside and sometimes I think he may be displaying...
  15. C

    Confusion, is my swordtail a swordtail and is it male or female?

    Hi All, I’m new to this so go easy on me! Last week I bought 3 female swordtails to go with my current male swordtail. Unfortunately 2 died and this is the last one however I am super confused. It has a gonopodium, suggesting it is a male however it doesn’t have a long sword. It’s rather large...
  16. Barry Tetra

    My new swordtail

    Hello TFF, My friend just give me this swordtail, He is over 3.8 inches long. (Cant see well from a picture)
  17. F

    Swordtail is sick?

    I know something is wrong with my swordtail but I don’t know what is up. One week ago I cleaned their tank as I usually do. A couple days after that I noticed the swordtail was hanging on on the bottom of the tank, which was abnormal because he usually sleeps in the middle of the tank. He did...
  18. I

    Ideal temperature/tank requirements for encouraging livebearer pregnancy

    I currently have a number of platies, mollies, and a swordtail in a 55g community tank with a number of other fish set at 78 F. Is this an ideal temperature to encourage pregnancy or should I increase it to 79 or 80 degrees? I'll likely place any pregnant fish in a breeder net and then transfer...
  19. I

    Will swordtails shoal with mollies or platies?

    I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a bumblebee platy, 4 mollies (2 white LT, 1 black LT, 1 gold dust), some danios, a rainbow shark, 2 juvie clown loaches (will be moved to a larger tank in a couple months likely), a gourami, 2 panda corys, and 2 peppered corys. I recently went to my LFS to...
  20. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  21. Barry Tetra

    My swordtails pregnant what should I do?

    I think fries will born in about 2 weeks, should I put my swordtail mother in the QT tank? the main tank have rams in it they might eat the fries, so what should I do?
  22. Barry Tetra

    Are they pregnant?

    Can you guys tell if my swordtails are pregnant?
  23. C


    I have a female swordtail who developed a gravid spot a while back however she has had this for far longer than a normal gestation period. I am assuming she has had the gravid spot for more than a month and a half now. She was once more or less roundish and is now seeming to get slimmer. Does...
  24. C

    Question regarding Swordtails.

    I have a group of swordtails in a tank at the moment 1 male and 5 females in a 35 gallon tank. One of my neon swords is possibly gravid at this point and I have a question regarding water temperatures. Does anybody have any information in regards to the best water temperatures to keep the tank...
  25. AquariumFishRescue

    Photograph of our 200 litre aquarium

    This is our 200 litre community aquarium. It is stocked with fish that all seem get along together so far. This list includes live bearers inc Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails, two small Bristlenose Pleco, some Columbian Tetras (some say they are fin nippers but we have not experienced this so...
  26. V

    Too many male swordtails?

    Hi everyone, For various reasons, we've ended up with swordtail sex combinations that don't work very well with our tank combination... We have four young, but mature swordtails in a 60L tank, two females and two males. One of the males pesters the other, so he hides all the time. In our...
  27. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...
  28. V

    Dealing with ich on a swordtail

    Hi everyone, I have a female swordtail who was a bit stressed in our community tank (we have two male swordtails and one female), so I moved her so a small planted tank on her own. She immediately seemed happier there, but came down with a case of ich, though there were only a few spots. I'm...
  29. V

    Swordtail fry

    We've got three of these little guys & my son is so pleased, you'd think he was the father. :hooray:
  30. V

    Swordtail sex, easy, right?

    My son got a fish tank for Christmas. It has been populated with plants, snails, 7 cories and 3 swordtails for a couple of months, now and the fish all seem happy. Here's the part about the sex of the swordtails... We bought what I thought were two females and one male. I honestly thought...
  31. V

    water changes in a tank with fry in it

    Hi everyone, We have at least one swordtail fry in our tank, and I was wondering if we should do normal weekly water changes. I'm a little worried about harming or stressing the little one(s). We have a planted 125L tank with 7 small cories, 3 adult swordtails, snails, and the fry. The...
  32. B

    Swordtail pregnancy??

    Hiya, My male swordtail was the first fish that I got for my tank and I have recently added to females to the tank for some company from of his 'own kind' per say. Anyway, long story short, I think my one female swordtail is pregnant as she is significantly bigger than the other female. I'm...
  33. Chris1075

    Male Swordtails

    Looking to improve my male swordtails environment. I have three males and no females. I wasn't informed at the time of purchase about males needing females. I wasn't looking to bread and thought that three males would be a good addition to my aquarium. Now reading about them I find that I...
  34. C

    Pregnant Swordtail?

    Hi there!   I have two Red Swordtails (one male and one female) and I added three Green Swordtails (two male, one female) about a week ago. Everything was going fine at first, but the last couple of days, I've noticed the Green female is constantly chasing off both of the Red Swordtails, and...
  35. L

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hi all!   I am new to this forum. The reason why I have created an account here is because I am quite confused with whether my swordtail is pregnant or not. I have read some articles about the pregnancy in swordtail and they all seem to have a rounded shape when if they are pregnant and is about...
  36. S

    Sexing Angelfish And Determining If Swordtail Females Are Pregnant

    Hello everyone. I am looking for a bit of help. I've got two angelfish that I am trying to determine sexes for, I have a feeling both are female, but I've never sexed angelfish before.  Also I have been observing breeding activity between my swordtails, so I am wondering if they are pregnant. I...
  37. nofishinginmytank

    Please Help Me! All My Fish Are Dying!

    I have a 35 liter fish tank. It's well established and has been up and running for about three years now. It was stocked with: 1x Guppy (he was the last survivor was about 3 years old, I was planning on buying some more little friends for him) 5x Platies (4 females and 1 male) 1x male swordtail...
  38. A

    More Fry...

    So I thought I would keep you guys posted since the last posting rampage where I spammed updates (sorry, :P). Anyway, since then the fish got a 60% water change and I've really seen some growth but not sure if they've passed the effects of early stunting... I'm doing another water change...
  39. F

    Will They Live Peacefully?

    Hello Everyone!   Today I was wondering, would my 2 year old betta be ok in my tank? It is a 20gal with two female (red)swordtails, and a single common pleco. They are all peaceful enough in their tank and the conditions are stable, so would they be ok all together? I know that different bettas...
  40. C

    How Long Till My Swordtail Delivers Fry?

    I just got my swordtail fish from a pet store and have no idea on when it will have its fry. I need to know when to separate her into a separate tank. Also how many baby's do yet usually have?