sword tail

  1. J

    Is my pineapple gonna have baby’s soon

    How many days until she’s do
  2. G

    Fluval Edge 6 Gal with fish

    When I was up in CT cleaning out my Mom's Condo I was originally keeping a look out for a 5 gal tank for a Betta that I ended up not getting. I did get a Fluval Chi 5 gal for $20. But before driving up 2 hours from NY to CT I saw a post about the Fluval Edge with fish and supplies for $150. So...
  3. D

    Can someone help me identify the sex of my fish please??

    Hi, I'm very new to the tropical fish hobby and at the moment I have a Gourami, Balloon Molly, Swordtail and Molly, they've all been together for about 1 week. Yesterday we noticed lots of fry in the tank, but we completely missed the birthing process and realised we have no idea of the gender...
  4. S

    What Kind Of Swordtail?

    Had this swordtail for a while and he's really grown into his fins! Im pretty sure he's a neon but is he a lyre tail as well?
  5. B

    Two Fish Addicts

    My husband, myself and I are fish addicts. We have 20 aquariums and four indoor ponds. I started off keeping goldfish and koifish in my indoor ponds. My husband started of keeping swordtails, guppies, platys, endlers, gold dust and sailfins in freshwater tanks. We now have black water tanks...
  6. alexshaw

    Hey Just Showing My Set Up. Will Upload More Soon =)

    Hey my names alex im new to this site ive started breeding some live bearers thought id show off my breeding tank, Nothing flash just a 60 litre with molly's Guppie's Sword Tail's and platty's. Have recently got more fish for when i upgrade to a bigger tank. I have a Bristle nose Pleco, Sail...