swim bladder

  1. newmag1659

    Dojo Loach Mass Between Pelvic and Anal Fins - Help?

    This is one of my dojo loaches, Sosig. He has had some balancing issues for a couple weeks but it seems to have gotten better. Made me worry about a swim bladder issue. Today, I noticed this mass between his pelvic and anal fins. What to do? Is there anything to do? He is our favorite fish and...
  2. B

    Multiple fish from LFS have same symptoms and soon dead

    This has happened to me in three different species of fish (generally one of each, the rest have been fine) all from different tanks at the store, and two different purchases. Just today I picked up three apistos and 8 otos. When I got home an oto was already dead, and kind of looked crooked, or...
  3. S

    Platties at bottom of tank

    Hey everyone, really hoping for some advice as dont want to lose my fish! I noticed the platies are staying around the bottom of the tank rather than swimming about, they tend to be near the heater. I had one die a couple days ago and I'm very worried more will follow. I've had one molly which...
  4. J

    911! What’s going on?

    My mollie had a clamped fin for a day or so because my Nitrite level went up to 1. Then down to .5 with 30% water change. Then 0 with addition of API Quick Start. He seemed fully recovered. Yesterday I noticed him laying down under a plant, but came out when fed. Tonight he is swimming in...
  5. O

    my betta is lethargic i think

    he just sits in one of these positions since i did a water change 2 days ago. and i also think he has swim bladder but he won’t eat the daphnia i give him. I’ve been feeding him 4 pellets once every 4 days but no improvement.
  6. S

    Can I still save this fish?

    tiger barb He swam nose down for a long time, and it's getting worst. I feed him the peas, and melafix water condition very good (other fishes fine) please help!
  7. S

    clownfish has lockjaw, swim bladder problems

    Hi everyone, I need some help with my clown fish. For the past two weeks I noticed his mouth doesn’t shut and he won’t eat. I tried feeding him with a pipette, and now he seems to have swim bladder problems. I’m afraid that I might’ve blown some air into him while trying to feed him. He has...
  8. R

    Fish curled up in tank, other tank mates dead, need help

    Hi, I have a small comet goldfish and two rosy red minnows living in a 10 gal tank. I’ve had the goldfish for over a year and the minnows for about 5 months. Yesterday I noticed the goldfish swimming erratically and unable to balance. I assumed it was swim bladder disease as the other two fish...
  9. K

    Goldfish Vertical!

    Can anyone give me insight as to why my goldfish is doing this?! The lil guy is hanging out in the back corner vertically. He is also breathing very heavily. He is usually very active. If anyone has suggestions to what is causing this and how to fix it it would be greatly appreciated! :)
  10. L

    Betta fish is sick

    Hi everyone, I’m new to owning a betta and he isn’t doing too well. We’ve had him over a month but the last week he’s getting worse and worse. I’ve checked the levels in his water and they’re fine but I’ve also made sure to do regular water changes incase. He has been spending more time at the...
  11. F

    Guppy not responding to swim bladder medicine

    Hi there, hope someone can help. One of our guppies has swim bladder - showing the classic signs. We have followed the good advice we could find - - we stopped feeding him - put him in quarantine tank away from others (this is an established tank) - gave swim bladder treatment (have given day...
  12. Dopatri

    Is my Balloon Molly fry suffering?

    Hi, yesterday I discovered my Molly gave birth, I found 4 teeny tiny little fry all hiding together so I scooped them up and put them in their own little hatchery. However, one of them I’ve noticed is struggling to keep afloat. It can swim, but it spends most of the time on the bottom. It’s...
  13. Linkandnavi

    Guppy Swimming Vertically

    Afternoon all, As of this morning one of my guppies in the 87l tank has started swimming almost vertically, tail down, mostly in the corner of the tank but sometimes out in the middle. He seems capable of swimming normally. If one of the other fish comes over and gives him a nudge, he'll set...
  14. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  15. V

    Sick betta

    I previously posted about my betta with swim bladder and he hasnt gotten any better which had led me to thinking it could be something else im just worried and its been around a week he wont eat anything either i tried peas and he refused them.
  16. V

    Swim bladder help

    My betta has swim bladder which im pretty sure is due to overfeeding, i’ve left him alone for three days and have been trying to feed him peas and he just wont eat.( Ive already checked the ammonia nitrite and nitrate) I don't know what else to do? He just sits at the bottom of his tank
  17. C

    Sick Cory

    One of my Cory's is suddenly unable to swim correctly and is sat at the bottom of the tank all day. If it does try and swim it sort of bounces about at the bottom of the tank and takes a while to right itself if it falls on its side or upside down. Iv checked water parameters and all are spot on...
  18. ChubilyMarshmellow@gmail.

    HELP! Tetra Trouble!

    This is my first time posting here because I am genuinely stumped. One of my longfin serpae tetras got herself stuck between a decoration and the side of the tank. After I freed her, I noticed she had rubbed off the entire right side of her scales. Later I noticed she wasn't moving much, and I...
  19. K

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Hi Everyone, I have a sick Gourami “Biggie”. He is swollen and is struggling to stay up. He was big when I got him. He can get to the top of the tank but hasn’t eaten in a week and sinks to the bottom of the tank. He has been doing them for three weeks. The pet store told me to add aquarium...
  20. D

    Koi with swim bladder

    hello, my dad pointed out to me that his koi is swimming upside down, and i noticed it has swim bladder. I have fed him some peas and added in some pond bacteria medication, but is there anything else I can do for it? All help is appreciated as I'm new to swim bladder issues and definitely ill...
  21. S

    Help! What’s wrong with my fish?

    I just checked my tank and have noticed one of my Glowlight Tetra’s swimming rather strangely. Is this Swim a ladder or something else? It’s only the one fish, none of the others seem to be affected. It seems to keep turning to the side or turning upside down, is there anything I can do to help...
  22. Jan Cavalieri

    Swim Bladder Disease STILL after 2 months HELP

    I posted this a few weeks ago - at that time my Powder blue Gourami had swim bladder disease for about a month and had quit eating. The disease would come and go, sometimes I could feed her "Pea soup" mixed with Miralax to get rid of any constipation. I used a needless syringe - she wasn't...
  23. V

    Feeding a fish with a chronical swim bladder

    Hi there, one of my oranda lionhead suffer of a swim bladder desease. I won't give up with her because luckely she merely floats on the top of the tank and after digestion time she swim normally It is the first time i deal with a problem like this, im totally newbie so i need help My personal...
  24. Jan Cavalieri

    Bladder Disease??? in a Dwarf Gourami HELP!

    I have a beautiful powder blue dwarf Gourami - one of the first fish I ever bought that recently was experiencing bladder disease starting about 4 weeks ago. I first noticed after a couple of weeks that she NEVER went to the top of the tank, she just sat on the bottom - so for anybody that...
  25. B

    Swim bladder

    My red tailed shark has swim bladder, can aquarium salt help this? Does anyone have suggestions for treatment?
  26. Jan Cavalieri

    Swim Bladder issues in a Gourami - going on 3+ weeks now

    a couple weeks ago I noticed one of my dwarf powder blue Gourami was not coming up to the top to get air. Interestingly, I had JUST read an article that insisted that Gourami are "obligatory air breathers" meaning they must come up for air while Betta's are "Facilitative air breathers" that...
  27. $

    Spinning glofish

    I have 6 glofish, 2 glofish tiger barbs, 3 rosy barbs, 8 zebra danios, 3 panda garras, and 1 Amano shrimp in a 20 gallon tank. Parameters are 7.4 ph, ammonia 0, nitrates 10-20. Feeding is once a day with fish flakes and about once a week I drop in an algae tab and some sinking shrimp pellets...
  28. Yayamama707

    Sick Molly Floating Tail Up

    So this is an update on my sick Female Molly. Hoping to get some more insight. Current situation is she has been bloated and floating tail up for over 24 hours now. We moved her to a hospital tank yesterday @ 3 pm and is still hanging in there (literally) but now I’m noticing her eyes look a bit...
  29. N

    Swim bladder won't leave, spreading to my other fish...

    So I know this a very frequent question but I've never been able to fully fix my goldfish that had/has swimbladder and I'm at a loss of what to do. I've been keeping goldfish for about 3 years now and have been familiar and dealing with these sick fish for about half of that time. I currently...
  30. P

    Friend’s sick betta

    My friend has two betta fish. One of them died today. We can’t figure out what’s going on so I seek help here. The symptoms are: -not eating (it’s been a week now) -swim bladder -stays at the bottom of the tank and only goes up for air My friend has tried everything, epsom salt baths, treated...
  31. E

    Pygmy corydoras with inflated swim bladder

    Hi all I have a pygmy corydoras with an over-inflated swim bladder that it does not appear to be able to release the air from. The fish is still able to swim throughout the water column and feed itself, but it must be causing it discomfort. Can anyone suggest what I can do to help this fish...
  32. E

    Help!! Problems with my Dalmatian Molly!

    Hi, im new to this site and desperately need help with one of my fish. Ive had a 10 gallon for a couple of months and one of my most recent additions is a pair of dalmatian mollies. One of them was rather small but thats likely just because hes young. I noticed the smaller of the pair resting on...
  33. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  34. M

    Betta Swim Bladder?

    My Betta is acting strange since about a week and half. He hangs out at the top of the tank and was swimming sideways for just a couple seconds a few times. But I thought it was odd how he swam. Now his tankmates are starting to pick on him, i fear its because he is sick and weak and now they...
  35. C

    Help please! Mystery illness. Columnaris? Long thread like lent on fin.

    Tank size: 10 gallon cube - filled halfway - planted tank/plants above and below water line. More description in text below pH: 6/6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH: 0 gH: 0 tank temp: 78 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior)...
  36. V

    My fish is swimming weird!!

    My German blue ram is swimming up side down and side ways!!!!!! Is 1 gallon big enough for a quarantine tank???? What is wrong with him?? How do I stop it?
  37. R

    Help! Fish struggling to stay up, swim bladder problems?

    I have a cherry barb in a 20 gallon tank who is beating his front fins frantically and swimming upward in order to stay up, otherwise he sinks to the bottom. It seems like his swim bladder isn't working and he can't "float" in the water like before. I've had cherry barbs die of this in the past...
  38. K

    Help! Silver Tetra Bouncing Straight Up And Down

    Hey, I've been searching the forum to try to figure out what's wrong with my wife's fish without much luck. So I thought I would post about it and see if anyone has any ideas. Our silver tetra has been having trouble swimming for a couple months now, and getting worse. He started out with just a...
  39. S

    Sick Cory With Possible Swim Bladder Problem

    Request Help   One of my two false bandit corys (corydoras melini) can't keep balance in the water, and frequently ends up losing balance and ending up on his side or upside down. He can right himself, and swim about normally, until he stops, at which point he has the issue. Tank size: 30cm x...
  40. S

    Swim Bladder And Eating Bubbles?

    I am new to fish, I got a goldfish tonight that seemed to be swimming alright at the store(I watch all the fish I get for like 20 minutes to watch for aggression and abnormal swimming) and I got it home and when it stops swimming(seemingly to rest or just float around) it slowly rises with its...