swim badder disorder

  1. L

    Betta Hospital Tank

    Hi there everyone! New to the community but not quite new to fish keeping. I am setting up a hospital tank for my betta who is having swim bladder issues from poor water quality and possibly the unsoaked pellets I was feeding. Potentially oversharing here but I have been very sick for nearly a...
  2. T

    Rummynose Tetra Swim Bladder Issue?

    Hi all, I’ve recently stocked my aquarium with a dozen(12) rummy nose tetras in a community planted tank. This is the first time I’m keeping them and did all the research and hours upon hours of youtube videos to understand how to take care of them. It has been about 30 hours since I got them...
  3. S

    clownfish has lockjaw, swim bladder problems

    Hi everyone, I need some help with my clown fish. For the past two weeks I noticed his mouth doesn’t shut and he won’t eat. I tried feeding him with a pipette, and now he seems to have swim bladder problems. I’m afraid that I might’ve blown some air into him while trying to feed him. He has...
  4. P

    Video Please help whats wrong with my molly

    Hi please help whats wrong with my molly he is swimming straight up and down!! Hes eating normally but just randomly strates swimming like this
  5. M

    Clamped fins & tail, swim bladder or bouyancy issues

    1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) currently doing 100% water changes daily for small holding container floating in a tank for heating purpose. Fresh water with fresh indian almond leaf piece, a small live plant, Prime treated, temperature matched. 2. A...
  6. R

    Swim bladder issues with oranda goldfish

    Hello, One of my Thai oranda goldfish is fighting with swim bladder issues for a month now(it has been on and off), he is floating upside down in the fish tank. I have a total of 4 thai oranda goldfish and 1 butterfly moor in a 85G fish tank. All other fishes are doing great except this one...
  7. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  8. N

    Swim bladder - nothing has worked

    We believe our neon tetra has swim bladder. We have tried Melafix, stress coat, withholding food, peas, general tetra antibiotic treatment, aquarium salts, and even bought a new warmer to make sure the temp stays warm enough. Our poor tetra is still floating at the top and topsy turvy. He’s...
  9. S

    Older guppy with strange swim issue

    An older female guppy of mine simply cant swim down; Its as if shes too full of air, though she stays upright, no matter how she tries she cannot stop floating back up, is there anything I could do?
  10. G

    HELP! I don't want to lose this fish!

    I have a low tech aquarium with Japanese Blue & Gold double sword guppies and shrimp that have been doing fantastic. My shrimp in other aquariums have been thriving because I feed blood worms to the fish so they eat them as well. Today I decided to feed my shrimp in the guppy tank some blood...
  11. B

    Cherry barb - swimming sideways

    Male cherry barb, has been swimming sideways for a long time now. Have tried not feeding for a few days then feeding shelled peas - no result. Have treated with swim bladder treatment over the course of a few weeks, with temperature increased to 26 degrees, still no change. Have checked all the...
  12. V

    Feeding a fish with a chronical swim bladder

    Hi there, one of my oranda lionhead suffer of a swim bladder desease. I won't give up with her because luckely she merely floats on the top of the tank and after digestion time she swim normally It is the first time i deal with a problem like this, im totally newbie so i need help My personal...
  13. B

    Swim bladder

    My red tailed shark has swim bladder, can aquarium salt help this? Does anyone have suggestions for treatment?
  14. G

    Please help with balloon Molly!

    I inherited some fish a few months ago when a tenant left them in January. This is new to me. There were four and 2 died early on. One molly and a catfish, don't know which species about 3.5-4in. long. I am conscientious about water quality. right now. pH 6.8 amonia0 nitrite and nitrate 0. My...
  15. N

    Fish dying or pregnant?

    Hey all, fairly new to indoor fish keeping, I have a oranda that me and my partner think may potentially be pregnant, but tonight shes started to lose her boyance in her swim bladder control and is floating to the top, and some time upside down, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated...
  16. G

    peppered cory can’t stop floating

    hi everyone, i came home from school today and noticed that one of my peppered cory’s was floating at the top of the tank. at first i thought he was dead so i gave him a gentle nudge with the net but then he was off swimming again. however, he would keep floating up when he stopped swimming and...
  17. GobyMaster11276

    Goldfish with Swim Bladder Disorder

    Hello again, my new goldfish's injuries have now developed into swim bladder disorder, and he is constantly floating horizontally. How can I cure him? Any help is appreciated.
  18. R

    Cherry Barbs Swiming Upwards, Dining For Exhaustion.

     One day I noticed that one of my older cherry barbs was swimming upward, like he was struggling to stay afloat. I thought it was swim bladder disorder, and I did everything I could, but he died, I think from exhaustion. Then two of my younger barbs stared swimming like they were struggling up...