sump build

  1. A

    Juwel Vision 180 with "Potential" Sump

    Hi All, New to the Forum and am looking for some advice, I have had a variety of aquariums over the years mainly with external canisters for filtration. I am wanting to branch out into a new set up but with a sump. looking at the Juwel Vision 180 (can not go bigger due to space) and i have...
  2. T

    New to sumps help and advice welcome

    Hi there not new to fish keeping but new to sumps .....I've just just brought a 300l tank with a sump was used for a saltwater before I belive....I was just after some advice on how to set up this sump been looking most sumps have more chambers have some ideas on how and the best way to set...
  3. Barry Tetra

    Internal sump design

    I have unused 5 gallon tank and I wanted to try design the internal sump for it (Pandemic made me bored. I wanted to do some diy project.) I want my design to be on the side of the tank (like Fluval Spec 5...
  4. E

    Sump Setup Help

    Help! I just got a tank and have absolutely no idea how to use a sump. This is all the supplies I was given and this is the only setup I was able to get where the water flowed in what I believe to be the right direction! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. agusf

    Above tank sump

    Hi all I have been thinking about installing a sump in a cabinet above my 36 gal (136 liter) tank. The surface it rests upon makes it virtually impossible to install a sump below but above is not at all impossible albeit with some mods. The tank currently runs a fluval 206 canister filter...
  6. Barb-barian

    Diy Sump

    I was wondering if anyone could link me a good site on how to build your own sump or if you want to tank the time to explain it that would be great too. I have a 60g FW cichlids tank that I would love to set this up for.   I was also wondering if it would be possible to use that sump as a...