
  1. PygmyMitch

    Plant Suggestions for Small Tank

    I need help in choosing some plants for my tank. I’m open to any suggestions, but also have seen a few I like the look of. My tank is a 48L tank, split into two compartments. The Main tank area and the filter compartment (its a custom built filter) The aprox dimensions of the main area: L...
  2. T

    Good plants for my 40 breeder?

    Hey guys! Going to set up a planted tank sometime in the future. I think I have some decent hardscape but I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction on what plants I should use or what light I should use. Ideally I'd like to grow medium, maybe high light level plants. I'm going...
  3. G

    Betta Compatibility for 40 gallons tank

    I got 7 rosy barbs in a 40 gallon all of them are of 2-3inchs in size with a 3 spot gourami. The issue is that 3 spot has grown too large so I am thinking of replacing it with a betta(male). My Rosy barbs have never nipped the fins of the gourami and 40gal seems right for this many fish. The...
  4. K

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    Hello, I’m worried about my black mustard betta. I might be paranoid but I just want to make sure that’s he’s ok. I’ve noticed some of his scales are a little bruised up and on top of his eyes, there’s like a white clear dot. I got rid of the plastic plant that might have caused damaged. I’ve...
  5. R

    Looking For Sand Sifting Fish Under 4 Inches (10cm)

    Hello everyone, Currently I have in my planted 50g 9 bronze corydoras. 3 marbled crayfish 15 ramshorn snails 15 tiger barbs (Plan to have a pair for Electric blue Acaras) From those the only ones I see are the snails and barbs, so I want to re-home the corys... I'm looking for a fish that...
  6. E

    How many corys for a 55 gal (more info in thread)

    Hi Guys. Got a 55 gal (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) going at the moment, currently being occupied by 8 bronze corys and 3 adolfi corys. I want to increase the amount of adolfi up to a minimum of 6 so they feel safe, but I also don't want to overcrowd the bottom level of my tank. So how many corys can...
  7. M

    15 Gallon Suggestions

    I was initially going to purchase another 10G but found a 15G that was somehow smaller than my bedside table... Anyway I've mostly been mentioned bettas which I already have five of so I'm a bit iffy with giving a 15G to another betta unless I simply fall in love with one before I can get it...
  8. GuppyGirl20

    Suggestion About Usernames?

    I was wondering if there was a way to implement a one time username change or something like that? I've heard that y'all use to allow members to change but it got overwhelming. I was just curious because now that I don't have any guppies my username doesn't make sense. 
  9. T

    New Tank, Need Suggestions!

    I have a 36 Gallon aquarium, 3' long, 19'' tall, 12 1/2'' wide, I need some suggestions on what kind of combinations I could work out. I have a Male Betta in the tank at the moment, he is very docile and doesnt seem to care about what is around him, I don't want anythnig that will nip or harm...