
  1. A

    Newbie with planted aquarium - should I change my substrate?

    I blindly bought/planted "easy" plants and never researched how to properly place them in the tank. I have 2 Amazon sword plants, 2 El Nino ferns, 1 Anubias, some grass (I don't know the name), and some unknown on the far right. I have a gravel substrate only (no fertilizer or sand). I've...
  2. Falconwithaboxon

    Sand vs Gravel

    Hello guys, I'm getting a new tank(45 gallon) and I just had quick questions. I planned on doing sand because I read that it is better for angelfish and cories. Is that true? Is sand harder to take care of than gravel? Would a mix be good(like half sand half gravel)? Any other advice that I did...
  3. R

    Tank ideas, switching substrate?

    I have had this 29 gallon freshwater tank for a little over a year and I want to change it up, the blue substrate has spots on it and I frankly think it’s kinda ugly. I was thinking of doing black sand, but I’m now leaning towards white sand, would this look good? I also want to know if anyone...
  4. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Identification

    Hi Guys,   Purchased this substrate today from my LFS. The guy who sold it to me didn't know who the supplier was and what type of gravel it is or what the dimensions are?   Anyone have any ideas about where I could get something similar from or what the dimensions might be?   Thanks in advance...