stressed fish

  1. yzaylakeepsfish

    Reveal the true personality of your fish!

    Cover all sides of your tank with brown paper to mimic a real life lake/ocean/pond. And your fish will be less stressed out and their true personality can shine through. Tested out with my Pea Puffer tank, and they look so calm and full of thoughts, compared when they were in the fish shop. I...
  2. N

    Honey gourami stressing out

    So i gotten a new honey gourami shipment yesterday, i acclimated it for about 20 minute, water parameters are 0ppm for ammonia and nitrite, 10 ppm for nitrate, ph about 6.8 to neutral . I tried turning off the light, it did work a little and he didnt glass surf that often, but when the lights...
  3. H

    Bronze Corydora female is panting

    I noticed a couple of days ago that my big female bronze cory was panting. Normally they move their mouth/gills when eating food, but she does this constantly now and has never shown this behavior before. Other than her mouth/gills moving rapidly, she also goes up for air a bit more than usual-...
  4. Anonymous Fox

    Constructive criticism?

    My grandfathers tank size: 35-40 gallons tall bow front tank Stocking *warning, pretty bad*: 2 boenus aris tetras, 1 glow light tetra (probably gonna end up getting), 2 Glofish/tetras, 10+ fancy guppies No live plants, two filters ( one built into the log/ tree thingy), heaters, slate hides...
  5. Uberhoust

    New to Forum not new to Fish

    Hi All: I am new to Forums but have had tropical fish a number of times since the late 60s. My main interest in joining this forum is for an exchange of ideas about the care and maintenance of aquaria. The hobby has really changed a lot over the years, in particular with substrates, planting...
  6. R

    Help, is my guppies stressed or?

    Hi everyone. 3 females, 2 pregnant & 7 males, all guppies. My guppies been acting strange since morning. Usually they are super active but since morning, I noticed that they are not swimming around & instead just wiggling their tails & hiding behind. Can it be stress due to environment...
  7. M

    Fish stuck to filter

    i just found my livebearer stuck to the filter intake, so I turned it off and he floated down from it. He was in shock for a few minutes but now he's swimming around again at almost full health, even eating food. The only thing now is that, since his rear fin has been slightly torn up, he's open...
  8. GoodGollyMissMolly

    Stressed Out Pregnant Balloon Molly

    Hello all, in new here. I've just came to ask for some assistance. I recently started back up my 10 gallon tank after having moved to a new location. I had kept the water going in the tank along with the air stone and the filter, so the water didn't go stagnant. A couple days ago I got the...
  9. RickT.Foster

    Bolivian Ram Sexing/stressed & Hard Water To Soft ::help Please::

    Hi everyone. Just some questions concerning my 60 Gallon Tank. Hoping someone can help. I have 3 Bolivian Ram's and one of them looks to be stressed as it's colors aren't normal. It's basically turned dark grey and hides from time to time. But every now and then comes out to swim around. Hasn't...