
  1. ella777

    Why is my rosy barb glass surfing?

    Hello! My male rosy barb (Jeff) has lived in a 70l tank for almost three years. I brought him home with two friends. They seemed happy together, but then they died (cant remember how). This was about one or two years ago and Jeff seemed happy by himself. (There were other fish in the tank just...
  2. Lgoldman

    BN pleco spiraling?

    Last night I boiled a small amount of romaine lettuce, red cabbage, and carrot. I left this in my 20 gallon tank overnight and removed it the next day. In the morning, my pleco‘s stomach was blue and a tiny bit big, but it seemed normal. I had a piece of lettuce in the tank attached to an algae...
  3. H

    Help! Stress or Something More?

    I have a betta fish and two nerite snails in a 10 gallon tank with heat and a filter. Amonia levels 0, ph and all other levels normal. I live in one of the areas that recently had a prolonged electrical blackout. With the power out I tried my best to keep the tank warm and clean by adding warm...
  4. Falconwithaboxon

    Hiding Fish

    I have 3 Powder Blue Gourami, 4 Orange Platies, 3 Damnation Mollies, 10 Neon Tetras, and 4 Zebra Danios along with 4 snails. The tank is 29 gallons and moderatly planted(working on more plants). One of my Gouramis is hiding a lot. I've had all these fish for around 2 months and this is the first...
  5. S

    Is my betta sick?

    Hello everyone! Im new to the hobby and would like some advice regarding my Betta because she is turning white. She's been in her active self as usual though, no loss of appetite too. What should I do?
  6. I

    [HELP] Clamped Fins - Young Guppy

    Firstly, I’d like to say I’m a bit new to fishkeeping, but I’m learning every day — thanks in advance for understanding. [EDIT] Picture attached is rotated — he’s always swimming horizontally. That’s just him pecking at some algae. I currently have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with some...
  7. A

    New-ish Betta losing scales on face -- any thoughts?

    Hi. I got a delta tail male betta fish 40 days ago and have noticed that he is loosing color and some scales in the face. His body appears to be fine and his behavior is normal --he's very active and has a great appetite. He is the sole fish in a 13 gallon, well-cycled tank along with with 1...
  8. K

    New Beta Owner

    Hello! I need tips and recommendation and how to destress my beta. Last week I bought a male black mustard beta (Goldie) from the local PetSmart. I’ve talked to the fish department worker about proper ways to take of Goldie. He was able to give me some information but I knew I needed to do more...
  9. Annemarie

    Betta Community Tank

    Hello! As some of you may know I have a 29 gallon aquarium with the following: 1 Honey gourami male, 5 neon tetras (working on getting more after one died a while ago), 4 nerite snails, a ghost shrimp, and 1 kuhli loach (store only had one but I’m also working on getting more). My sister has a...
  10. HalfTailedOwner

    Help -- Betta Fish Not Interacting?

    Hi, last Wednesday I bought a double tailed betta. Ever since then I've noticed he doesn't interact much and is growing slower. A few days ago he only stuck to one side of the tank rather and sleep in the corner. He doesn't notice when I eat or try to interact with him. At first, I thought he...
  11. B

    Green coating on scales - help with guppies

    Hi! I have two guppies that seem to have what looks like green algae growing on their scales. One is acting normally, while one is sort of lethargic, hanging up in the corner. A third guppy has no green film, but doesn't seem to be swimming well. Just seems weakened. We'd been having a lot of...
  12. HalfTailedOwner

    Betta Fish Isn't Swimming a lot

    Hi, I am a new fish owner... but before I'll start I'll provide some information on the betta habitat: Tank temp: 26C Tank size: 10 Gallons The betta fish is the only fish in the tank Water is dechlorinated Has a biofilter Has a heater Has an air pump The betta does eat However, when it...
  13. F

    Cory lathargic, need advice

    Hi So I have a peppered cory who is 18 months old and a gold lazer cory. Now, I've experienced deaths of fish over time, but my cory's became lathargic and kept swimming to the top, totally unlike them. The gold lazer cory began corkscrewing till it wouldn't move from its side. It died this...
  14. A

    New Baby Betta- Concerned About Health?

    I got a baby betta boy recently, his name is Kenny. He seems to be around 5-7 weeks old. I’m a little concerned about his health, he’s been very lethargic and has spent much of his time at the bottom of his tank. His fins are mostly clamped, even when swimming. He swims pretty slowly as well...
  15. Gracie1275

    Fin Rot??

    I have a male Halfmoon Twintail Betta named Craig. He is my first fish and I have only had him for three days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and plenty of decorations and hiding spots. The first day I had him, his color was fine. His body is a beautiful dark blue, and his...
  16. B

    Betta stressed or sick?Need help!

    So,I've had my betta Eros for about a two weeks and he was in great health at the time.I made sure to clean his tank and decorations before placing them inside and I added conditioner to the tap water.I allowed the water to be filtered for about a week before getting him and dosed the water with...
  17. C

    Transparent Molly?

    about 4 days ago I moved my fish in my 38L tank to my new 90L tank, while I was catching my yellow Molly named Frazzle in the net, her tail started changing colour, the next day I noticed her tail, dorsal and anal fin were transparent and when i turn the blue light on the top of her head is also...
  18. YamiHime

    Help! Sudden clamped fins!

    Hello! I got a new betta about 3 weeks ago. My tank is cycled an it is reading either 0- .25 ammomia and 0 Nitrites. It does have nitrates but I haven't checked the reading since I got him. I'm not sure what has happened. I got a new heater so the temp is always around 75-80F and I do 25%...
  19. B

    New Betta Help!

    Hi guys, I ordered my new betta on Friday and he finally arrived today! What should have been exciting turned in to terror when I opened his box and saw that his bag had leaked and as such had very minimal oxygen/water remaining with no heat pack. I saw he was moving quite rapidly so started...
  20. GoodGollyMissMolly

    Stressed Out Pregnant Balloon Molly

    Hello all, in new here. I've just came to ask for some assistance. I recently started back up my 10 gallon tank after having moved to a new location. I had kept the water going in the tank along with the air stone and the filter, so the water didn't go stagnant. A couple days ago I got the...
  21. Flinkbag

    Clamped Pectoral Fin In Elephant Ear Betta

    Hey all!   I returned home to find my beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has one pectoral fin clamped ('stuck' is a better word for it, it looks like its plastered to his body!) to his side. It appears to only be half stuck to his body, because he can still move the bottom portion of it. The...
  22. chrisdenyer

    Possibly Stressed Out Molly?

    Hi all, was wondering if anyone has any insight into some strange Molly behaviour? I moved two of my 4 month olds into a temprary 30L as my main 90L tank was a little crowded (my first four mollies, who were supposed to all be female, weren't...population now under control!) They seemed pretty...
  23. P

    Save My Tank

    Hi my name is Casie, and i need major help with my fish tank, I have done research and cant figure out what i did wrong. The first time my fish died it wasn't my fault, see i had gotten a plant from PetCo and come to find out later it was infested with pond snails. I was able to remove the...
  24. T

    Thai Silk / Blue Diamond Flowerhorn Gone Black/purple?

    Hi all,   I purchased a flowerhorn yesterday, she is a confirmed female having already laid eggs from being next to another tank with a male in at the shop. She was an electric blue not dissimilar to a EBJD before getting her home.   When I got her home she had flushed black. From the back of...
  25. Z

    New 10 Gallon Tank

    im a new freshwater fish tank owner. my fish are currently sick to the point where they have white specks and some havve red marks on them. i have 3 fan tails on which their tails are not normal, have 2 betas that are depressed and have white spots also. my neon seems to be fine. i used the test...
  26. Z


    hi, im a new fresh water fish tank owner. recently i introduced 3 fish to my tank. about 4 days ago i started noticing that my fish were getting stressed and one already died. i have three fan tails, 2 betas and a neon fish. i have had a fantail that died and a black moor that also died. my...
  27. L

    Help Advise

    Hi guys i have a 200l fresh water tank. 3 gourumis. 3 red line barbs. 2 rainbows. 1 glass catfish. 1 pleco. 3 shrimp. 1 molly and bumnle bee catfish now in hospital tank. my tank is 13 months old. my question is myheater broke and the glass fell away the pleco got onto the element which burnt...