stocking advice

  1. I

    Am I overstocking? Mixed signals

    Hi everyone, I currently have a 75 gallon cycling. My wife and I came up with the below list based on research and talking at the local fish store. However, I’m seeing mixed messages on whether this is overstocking or not. Some people say 2 angels is the limit for a 75 gallon, others say 8-10 is...
  2. JackGulley

    How big do Swordtails grow? Which would you recommend for a 20 gal, that or Mollies?

    Hi, I'm setting up my first aquarium (20long planted freshwater); at the moment I've got cherry shrimp, zebra danios, and a couple of white cloud mountain minnows (plan to get more so they're not lonely) but I'm planning to get something a little bigger for the tank in the future. I'm drawn to...
  3. O

    580L (150g) Tanganyikan stocking advice

    Hi all, I've only ever had peaceful community tanks but want to try something different. My tank is 580 Litres (150gal) but only 5ft long so its quite tall. I'm really interested in a Tanganyikan biotope. I'm not particularly interested in breeding as I'd rather try and display as many...
  4. J

    Stocking Help for 694L/183gal

    Picked up 2 new tanks the other day and have finally refurbished the stand, cleaned the tanks out and moved the heavy f*ckers inside. Planning to do a new world cichlid setup on top in the 6'x2'x2' and an african cichlid setup on the bottom 6'x1.5'x1.5' Have ordered 2 Fluval FX6 V2 Giants, one...
  5. EndlessFlame

    Stocking Advise - 75g

    Hello! I have a 75g tank and I’m having trouble deciding how to finish stocking it. Here’s what I have in the tank so far: 6 x mollies 3 x dwarf gouramis Planning on 6+ cory catfish I’m working on having the tank moderately planted. For additional fish I’m looking for something with variety...
  6. O

    36 gallon stock?

    hi. I'm not technically new exactly, I've currently got a 10-gallon betta tank, but definitely not experienced. Anyways, my cousin might be upgrading one of her tanks from a 36 gallon bowfront to... something bigger come spring. If she does, she says she'd be willing to give me the old one. I...
  7. I

    Fish rearranging / adding advice

    Hello all. Thanks so much for all your advice on the previous threads advising me on my fish. I'm essentially going to view a large corner tank (advertised as 250L but I think it is 300L by the measurements) Rena tank with Rena external filter on Sunday, so trying to think ahead about how to...
  8. I

    Stocking advice

    I have two tanks, so can move some fish out if t seems over stocked. I have 47L double filtered (one tiny internal stand alone and one build in drop style filter) tank with many plants and wood hiding places. Currently it has: 3 Harlequins fully grown 4 7cm fully grown Buenos Aires terras 1...
  9. Corydoras_Catwoman

    75g Tank Stocking

    I'm sorry if this is in the wrong category...i wasn't sure where to put it. I'm looking at setting up a 75gal tank (probably a long) at some point in the future. It will be heavily planted with driftwood and plenty of hiding places. Im looking at stocking it with some of the following...
  10. A

    Gourami tank mates and numbers

    I’m cycling my 55 gallon and have a few ideas of things to stock it, but I’m not sure. I was thinking for sure some pearl or dwarf gourami. I do enjoy angel fish and barbs as well. I was wondering how many I should stock along with finding male/females to help keep the aggression down. I’m...
  11. C

    140 gallon semi cichlid tank stocking

    I'm getting an aquarium in the next few days that is going to be about 140 gallons! The dimensions are 180x50x60cm. Might have to remeasure the height though. I need some help with stocking ideas. So far I definitely know that I want a Tiger Oscar and I also have heard the firemouth cichlids do...
  12. TheCoolWolf

    Should I add small fish?

    I am planning on having Glowlight tetras, Harlequins, Cherry barbs and Black neons in my established 75G aquarium. Should I relocate some of my other fish that are already in there? Stocking list: 2" Pearl danios (x10) 3" Beardless barbs (x3) 4" Hard-lipped barbs (x4) 4" Bala shark (x1) 2"...
  13. Flinkbag

    Re-stocking a 4ft community tank

    Hi all! I'm doing water changes twice a week on my 4ft tank because I have a 18cm+ Green Severum Cichlid who causes nitrates to spike like nothing else. So needless to say he will be re-homed, and possibly my 3 clown loaches, to help with this issue. I'm considering getting dwarf american...
  14. W

    Tropical community tank stocking help

    Hello... I have a 30 gallon tank and am kind of new to fishkeeping "I know little more than the basics". So I am wanting to stock the tank with fish. Would these fish do? -1 Dwarf Gourami (Main fish kind of) -5 Congo Tetra or a 3 dwarf neon rainbow fish (more color) -6 Marbled Hatchfish -5 Cory...
  15. JustinGatCat

    72 Gallon Stock?

    Hey everyone I'm new to the forum and just wanted an opinion on my tropical freshwater 72 Gallon Bowfront as in terms of its stocking levels and if it's overstocked Right now there is 1 Rainbow Shark 1 Goldfish(temporary?) 1 Swordtail 1 Platy 10 Black Skirts 13 Neons 5 Buenos Aires 3 Serpae 2...
  16. L

    20 gal - more fish? and plants but what kind?

    Right now I have 5 longfinned zebra danio and an albino bristlenose pleco in there. I would like to add more fish in there, but just wanted to know if it's overstocked before I get too excited. If I can add more, what kind would you recommend? As for the plants, right now I have 2 plants I got...
  17. SarahMarie

    New tank mates!

    Hi all, I've recently got back into fish keeping after a couple of years. I've recently upgraded to a 240 litre cycled tank, which currently houses 3 angel fish and 10 tetras. I was thinking of getting more fish for the tank and was considering a shoal of corydoras. However I was wondering...
  18. chrisdenyer

    stocking 45L tank

    Hi guys, so my 45L tank had been housing a dwarf gourami, but sadly he died this week. I have three purple harlequin rasbora in there at the mo (originally 6), and am trying to decide how to restock it. (I can move the rasbora if need be depending on what I go for, or rebuild the shoal) My...
  19. Overload

    Rio 400 Re Stock After A Refurb

    I have almost completed a refurb on my Rio 400. The new set up is as follows:   Filters: Aquamata EFX 1500 U (external) Interpet Internal Power Filter PF4 Heaters: Hydor ETH 300 (300W external) Jewel Internal Heater 200W   Substrate: Tropica Plant Growth Substrate base layer Pea Single top...
  20. V

    My Ideas On Stocking And Advice.

    My Tank: 29 Gallon (30 x 12 x 18in) 110 Liters (76 x 30 x 46cm)   My desire (it is sooooo hard!) 1- Gold Gourami 6 - Cherry Barbs 6 - Rummy-Nose Tetra 6 - Panda Cory   I've been reading on stocking limits and I am sad that this wont fit based on the inch per gallon standard.  45" of fish in a 29...
  21. F

    Fluval Edge 46L Stocking?

    Hi guys, i've bought the new fluval edge 12g/46l and im really not sure what to stock it with. I was thinking some guppies with endlers and cardinals maybe? I know it a small tank you dont have to tell me that. Its all cycled and all the tests have been done. Thanks :)
  22. noobgamers

    20 Gallon Stocking

    hey guys at long last i have some to the end of deciding the stocking for my new 20 gallon i was thinking (dangerous i know) 6 julli corydoras 6 hatchetfish 9 neon tetra 3 apistogramma trifasciata (1 male 2 females)   my thinking was that the hatchetfish rarely leave top levels neons and dwarf...
  23. noobgamers

    What Non Corydoras Catfish Are Suitable For A 15 Gallon

    hey guys doing a 15 gallon oddballa s stated before and im looking for some bottom feeders that arent corydoras as it is a oddballs tank what would you guys recomend ty for any advice it is going to be a dwarf puffer tank with 1 male and 3 females thpught maybe 6 dwarf anchor catfish and some...
  24. noobgamers

    3 Tank Renovation

    hello i am just asking for advice i am going to buy a new tank soon and i am want to do a full move around as the tanks dont look as aesthetically pleasing as i had hoped i am not asking for advice about plants and aquascaping as i believe they already look good for my standards (thats bad for...
  25. C

    New To The Forums

    Hi fish fans, im new to the fish forums and want some advice. I had a 20g breeder with my two convict babbies and 2 pictus catfish. I upgraded to a 55 gallon tank. One convict is about 2", the other 1.5", and the catfish are both 2". I was wanting a pleco or a blood parrot. I dont want to...