stocking 75 gallon

  1. I

    Am I overstocking? Mixed signals

    Hi everyone, I currently have a 75 gallon cycling. My wife and I came up with the below list based on research and talking at the local fish store. However, I’m seeing mixed messages on whether this is overstocking or not. Some people say 2 angels is the limit for a 75 gallon, others say 8-10 is...
  2. Stefan3289

    Additional stocking suggestions for 75g SA cichlid community tank

    Hello all, So currently I have a 75g (284L) tank that I’ve had for about 3 years now and was wondering if I would be able to add any new additions and what some suggestions would be. Stock 1 synodontis (10 years old - 5”) 1 Red spotted severum (5”) 1 Electric blue acara (Full grown - 5”) 5...
  3. ChrisInDC

    Introduction and Stocking Questions!

    Greetings everyone, this is the first fish forum that popped up when searching fishkeeping forum so i'm glad to be here, was hoping to find a friendly place and after some investigation it seems as though i did just that. I started with a betta a year ago having no idea what i was doing. I went...
  4. Kayla_Johnson19

    75 Gal: Tank mates for single Krib & CAE

    Hi there! I have been doing a whole lot of research as I prepare a 75 gallon! I’m trying to decide what tank mates (cichlid or otherwise) that could work well in there and there’s a lot of different opinions! I have my single female Kribensis going in there as well as my Chinese algae eater (who...