stocking 125l cycled

  1. Stu1993

    Stocking a 125 Litre Tank

    Ive recently got my 125 and it currently going through its FISHLESS cycle and im really struggling with ideas on what to eventually stock it with. I love all sorts of fish ive looked and and researched and the only one i have decided on is the black corydoras. So what do you guys reccommend...
  2. D

    Newly cycled 125l tank stocking advice

    I've just got through a fish in cycle with lots of patience but no dramas. I'm now after a little advice on stocking. I've got 8 male guppies presently and am looking to add 2 black mollies 2 sliver movies and 8 cardinal tetras. My question is will this max out the bio load for the filter...